I would much rather have Bernie use his political capital and goodwill to take on apprentices for the next generation of politicians—especially those starting small and not already in the federal government—than run for President again.
I would much rather have Bernie use his political capital and goodwill to take on apprentices for the next generation of politicians—especially those starting small and not already in the federal government—than run for President again.
Joe, Bernie...for the love of Grodd, stay out of the 2020 race. Both of you have zero chance of defeating Donald, and you’ll just embolden new waves of Bernie Bros and Joe-Joe Binkses. You had your time; now step aside and let a new wave of candidates show us what they have to offer.
Interesting to watch the fall of America happen in real time. The history books will not look kindly on the right wing.
It should be interesting to see the not-at-all sexist Bernie fans who totally did not refuse to vote for Hillary because she was a woman and who totally would have totally voted for Elizabeth Warren now find reasons to totally not support Elizabeth Warren.
Massachusetts has a Republican governor, Charlie Baker, who will appoint an acting replacement - and he will appoint a Republican. An election will then have to be set for Nov 2021 to elect a replacement to fill out Warren’s term (which will have three years left by that point).
I really would like to see Kamala Harris sink her teeth into D. Trump. I just want to hit fast forward on the shit show that will be the Primaries.
This is the only correct answer. Pull for your candidate until the primary is settled, but for the love of Cthulhu once it is settled get behind the agreed to candidate.
The thing is though, most of those people you listed, despite all tje attention they got, still lost in the end. I'm not hugely excited about Warren (though i don't hate her either) but I also don't think the answer is as simple as "get someone younger to run."
“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” is perhaps more applicable here than anywhere else. Not voting for anyone but the perfect Democratic candidate will get you Donald Trump 2.0, period.
Judging by the reactions, looks like the the left will continue to tear itself apart while the right falls in line behind their candidate. Trump is going to win again isn’t he?
In the end, it honestly doesn’t matter who is the Democratic nominee. YOU MUST VOTE FOR THAT PERSON!!!!1111
I’d settle for calling him by his alter ego, “Bart O’Kavanaugh”.
Right. His testimony WAS the smoking gun of his unfitness as a judge, and they applauded it.
or a smoking gun would have to come out that is compelling enough to persuade enough Republicans to join with Democrats to form a 2/3 majority, for such an effort to succeed.
A smoking gun wouldn’t motivate Republicans to impeach or remove him. Political advantage or expediency is the only thing that would budge them.
yeah, it was generalized famous people snark, not some vendetta or something
They used to make fun of her for being carried around like a baby. It was actually pretty funny.
She also used to be an immature asshole; that donut-licking incident was some entitled bullshit. But she’s grown up a lot, and even if she hadn’t, I’d lay off a person (even if they were a brat) after the heaps of trauma she’s endured in the past few years.
Aria Grande should take 3-6 months, let her PR team run her social media and chill on an island somewhere.