
Hi Mercedes, I represent Left Hand Utes. Randy, the owner, complies with all federal laws during his builds. He has been interviewed by the NHTSA and EPA, and they believe him to be in compliance. He was found not to be an importer nor manufacturer. Please contact me if you all need further details for your story!

It seems like if your whole deal is pushing engines to the point of catastrophic failure, you should, you know, prepare for that catastrophic failure. 

I have a butt ton of cheap Chinese tools that work just fine.

I have this system in my garage. Using it is a physical workout and you get to work on being smooth on the bike. There is no gyro-force pushing you into the seat, when you are leaned over, but I’m a novice track day guy and I don’t notice much a difference when leaned over. The big difference is braking and

Monkee for 2024

Nice one.

I can’t decide between laughing or crying hysterically

its good advice.

I had a pretty good idea what it was, clicked anyway. 

Every Opponaut knows not to click, but to hover a muncheepoozle link.

Beautiful. It was even ruined by my seeing the song title, but then having to wait 15 seconds for a Nissan Rogue ad.

“hmm.... a link to a youtube video, strange but I’ll click it anyway.”

My number one rule here has become, “Never click a monkeepuzzle link”

You are relentless and I love you for it.

I love you. 

Too soon.

Wear a mask you fucking clown. I’m surprised a science denier even knows what an app is. Go actually read some scientific literature you imbecile.

Wait until California decides to leave the Union.