ahhh, no. I paid less for a TSX with similar miles and more equipment.
at $8k I’d expect half the miles.
the R8 is neat, but without context I would never have guessed what it was. the other two cars were immediately recognizable.
v12 Ferrari with the gated manual, and the owner did exhaust mods, and recent big ticket engine maintenance items, you’d think the ebay ad might have a picture or two of the engine?
I believe that cassette is being inserted backwards.
legitimately shocked to find someone in the comments who has one :D
fascinating to hear your take on it’s value re. uscle memory etc., and the physical toll
a nissan rogue ad is sufficiently annoying to count as a rick roll aswell
I said this exact thing before.
...that is to say, I expect you to pay me a percentage for every star your comment gets
there are a few options though if you want to continue this in a non-gawker hosted way, join me at oppo-sitelock.com
please let this message stand as notice to my own spouse or descendants:
fail, I need you to mark it down to $69,420 before I’d consider it
I recnetly spent $30 on some hot wheels cars on ebay, is this the same thing?