
You need to stop with this civility/politeness BS. All it is is respectability politics. Civility belongs in a civilized society, not one where children are ripped from their mothers and thrown in cages. And anti choice protesters already harass PP employees, and patients.

Stupid says as stupid is and all that

LOL, more performative allyship that centers whiteness. White people always show their asses, don’t they?

Truth matters when there’s context. So yeah, let’s talk about the extensive role that the US has had in being the architect in multiple genocides, not just the “wannabe” collaborators. All you’re doing with your unnecessary interjection is playing into the bullshit whataboutism that A TROLL with racist intentions

At this point in my life, I’ve run out of fucks to give about being that “hostile” POC in white spaces. I don’t care how uncomfortable I make white people just by daring to say that most of them don’t give a single fuck about the lives of anyone who isn’t white. It’s the truth. Y’all prefer your comfort being

I hear you. Every day, I need to take a breather from reading the news and I’ve stopped engaging white people on anything related to immigration, or race, or religion. They don’t give a fuck about us. The funniest thing is that the standard that they hold all non white people to, they can’t even live up to.

Cool, if you say it’s irrelevant, then what the fuck does it matter if it’s true? What’s also true is that United States turned away Jews, and that the Nazis were inspired by US genocide of Natives, chattel slavery, Jim Crow laws and segregation. I don’t really understand your interjection about a racist troll

Hey, go ahead and dismiss this fuckhead, all he’s doing is trolling you. Great to see shitheads like this be ungreyed on Jezebel.

A few things to you too:

Here’s a fact: you’re a lowlife troll who doesn’t deserve to procreate. Get fucked by a rusty knife.

I would say you’re a troll but you’re really shit at it and we all know it, so continue enjoying being a bottomfeeder.

Hey 3A, do me a solid and dismiss this twat troll:

We can absolutely do something about it. We need to start calling and pressuring our elected officials to start doing the bare minimum of their fucking jobs. Feinstein authored Bill S3036 that will stop the families from being separated. You can call here:

Yeah, but it’s not our first time doing something like this either, so...

I’m so glad that you are using this opportunity to troll about how much you hate feminism. Really shows what a craven piece of shit you are.

LOL, you are illiterate and likely have shit for brains. Apparently the words “impaired brain” have no meaning to you, because you don’t understand what words mean. Just say that and go next time. And no, in case you didn’t understand all the words prior to this sentence: we are not on the same page. Fucking dunce.

You don’t want to click on the link because apparently you need someone to spoon feed you the information, along with your general apathy towards other human beings. Read the highlighted part:

What’s asinine are your ableist comments, and you are clearly a person who has never suffered from depression or known anyone who has, because you can’t even muster the bare minimum of empathy for other human beings in pain. Maybe read up on how depression actually affects people instead of spouting your ignorant