Yikes, do you want to examine your racist, ableist and misogynist comment? It’s one thing to disagree with the method of decluttering (and her 30 book choice is her personal one, not one she suggests everybody should follow), it’s another to call her crazy or imply she’s nuts because she’s Japanese. WTF.
I did read what you wrote. You called people assholes and told them to go fuck themselves in response to this: “Maroon 5 sucks, their music is pointless, Adam Levine’s face is weird, and the musical tastes of young people are horrible if this is the most popular musical entity of the 3rd millenium to date.”
Are you okay? You seem pretty worked up over Maroon 5. Relax, not everyone is going to have the same opinions of you.
Can you please just dismiss this troll? I don’t know who ungrayed it, but banish it back to grays.
I think the writer would do well to read this:
He could have apologized to the people who he dehumanized. That would have helped at least some. Are you actually defending homophobia? Not to mention, Hart also indulged in some good ol racism against Native Americans with his “Cowboys and Indians” party just a week or two ago.
Sorry, but no: no distinction needs to be made. The Catholic church has been actively involved and continues to be involved in some horrific atrocities and if practitioners continue to turn a willful blind eye to this, then they are every bit as responsible as the institution they are a part of. Catholics continue to…
Have you considered their “bigotry” may have something to do with the institutional sexual abuse and the kidnapping of Indigenous/Native kids and all that?
Right? Who gives a fuck how many bones this man has broken? How many women he has battered? How many he has killed? Won’t someone think of the poor abusive men who hurt their own prospects by being abusive pieces of shit? I am fed the fuck up.
Hindsight is not 20/20. DV Recurrence by abusers is incredibly common, as is escalation. African American women in particular face DV 35% more than white women, and have less access to resources. There is no such thing as a 1 time abuser:
You said all this when you could have just said you don’t give a fuck about women and their being raped, beaten and killed by men and just go, my dude. Go ahead and keep defending violent men and their “potential” post conviction while turning a willful and deliberate blind eye to the women whose lives are destroyed…
People are outraged about him being able to get a job again in public sector after beating his wife to a bloody pulp. Of course you’re not talking about the fact that she is dead, you are more outraged about people taking issue with him getting a well paying job in public sector rather than her not being alive…
Because you just described a multiple DV abuser and murderer as a productive member of society. You must have lost your goddamn mind, because you are empathizing with a murderer more than with an innocent woman who died at his hands just because you both did time in prison. What the fuck is wrong with you? A woman is…
Thank you!
Please, please, please dismiss this rape apologist piece of shit. I am begging you. Please think of rape survivors who have to read his comment.
Please dismiss that shitbag troll.
What the hell are you talking about? Rates of domestic violence are actually much higher in same sex relationships than straight. This is a serious issue that’s nonpartisan.
He went full Brick Tamland, huh?