
I had a “friend” like George. Except unlike A, I cut him out of my life when he started acting passive aggressive towards me when I turned him down for the last time. You’d be surprised to learn that just about every woman has encountered someone like George in their lives.

It’s okay, Ashley, I’m just hyper paranoid about checking user history because the ugly behavior is usually pretty easy to find there.

They absolutely do, nobody is disputing that. But to imply that somehow rightly calling out NPH’s ongoing misogyny is somehow homophobic is just bullshit, which is what corndog is doing. Cis gay men also play a big part in contributing to making LGBTQ spaces hostile to anyone who isn’t cis, white and a man. Let’s not

Also want to add, this person is clearly trolling and seems to have something against black people.

It’s just such a fantastically obnoxious “gift” that it is the perfect response to asshattery. People want to be reaching all day.

The fact that you treat this as some kind of competition (when I never implied I was the only person who has ever attempted suicide and survived), and the continued condescension about how a suicidal person thinks (thanks, once again, wholly personally familiar to that), and what research says as if it’s not something

She’s concern trolling. She doesn’t actually give a single shit about suicidal people or their pain.

Considering I’ve attempted suicide and survived, I don’t need someone like you, who seems to have little to no sympathy for actual suicidal people and are concern trolling, to tell me about my lived experiences, thank you very much.

And lesbians and transwomen (especially WOC and BW) are the largest demographic within LGBTQ who are at risk for said persecution. His being gay has nothing to do with his being a misogynistic shithead. Stop making excuses for his behavior. If you don’t want to say anything, you don’t have to. We sure as hell will.

Did you miss the part where he was cremated in France, which is where he completed suicide? I hardly think he was concerned with what would happen with his body and moreso with his pain that led him to doing what he did.

Cis, white gay men are not a persecuted minority, give me a fucking break. You can refrain from whatever you want to, but NPH shouldn’t get a pass on misogynistic behavior just because he’s gay.

LOL, because hetero people don’t use lube and clearly getting a drum full of lube isn’t an annoyance. Not everything is homophobic, so please stop reaching.

Actually, two people tried to intervene and pull him off the poor woman. He’s a really rancid piece of shit because this is what excuse he offered up (he changed his tune in court):

LOL, shut up, you trollish twat.

Nah, you fucking cunt. I didn’t “enjoy being “molested”. It still fucks me up that I was sexualized since I was a child. And I still have zero issues with what two consenting adults do, because unlike you, I have more than two brain cells to rub together. Go die in a fire, because even that is entirely too kind for an

I was molested, and I have zero issues with two consenting adults kissing, you fucking homophobe. Go fuck yourself for trying to use us as a cudgel to further your own bigotry.

Just ask if he’s okay, and tell him it’s okay if he isn’t feeling okay because he has your love and support. There’s nothing wrong with checking in and seeing how this news is affecting him. I’ve struggled with suicidal ideation and depression before, and this news gutted me. Sending you and your BF much love.

Ugh, I am so sorry. Unfortunately, a lot of people seem to lack empathy and understanding for folks like us who suffer from mental illnesses or non-visible disabilities. You deserve better. Sending you hugs.

Who the fuck appointed you arbiter of sainthood? Speaks volumes about you as a person when you take a post on the suicide of a man who had his demons but was a good person in spite of them as an opportunity to bash him. Fuck you and your false sense of moral superiority.

You say some horrific shit but this one takes the cake. Fuck you, you hideous troll.