
It seems like pragmatic thinking to me to have a long term plan for the money collected to be dispersed over a set time frame after donations will fall off vs all at once or very short time. Of course I say this without the need for funds so this is strictly armchair thinking.

This is a horrible poem.

I used to work at a place with a smoking section back in the day and I always stunk of smoke afterward. The whole place smelled like smoke even though the smoking area was small. I was glad when they banned it. Take your habit outside. 

I’d like to see more milds out there, they can be really good but I rarely ever see them, same with ESB’s. I miss black IPA’s as well, feels like you can’t even find them in the Chicagoland area anymore. I had a good one recently in Germany of all places and it made me miss them here. 

Brown ale lovers are statistically overrepresented among The Takeout’s readership and I love it.

Most of these are pretty good answers, specifically black IPAs, normal pale ales, and dark lagers. A local brewery did a raspberry black IPA recently that was very good.

Yes bring back the brown ales. Simple things are difficult to perfect because you don’t have gimmicks or copious amounts of hops to hide any mistakes. Which os course means it won’t be made because it takes too much skill.

I think the argument is the patio is a public place. It is also a place of employment, as Salty and her brethren are literally working.

Racists have abandoned basketball long ago in Philly.  They also can no longer afford to live in Philly.  Joel is good.  

I prefer “blood”

So folks are only respectful to you when they’re running a grift? That’s just sad, boss.

And to think, just 70 some odd years ago he would have been an attraction.

So is this a good forum for the story about me borrowing our Middle Linebacker’s Mouth-guard for practice one time?

No, down. A 5'11.5 person isn’t 6 foot. 

After this review, I might take a gander.

LOL if you’re trying to cram at midnight right before an organic chemistry final, you’re fucked anyway.

Morality is relative. George Washington owned people and Grover Cleveland married his adopted daughter. The choice isn’t whether or not the wealth gap is immoral; it is whether or not we want to treat it as immoral.

Your chatter was only fake and inane because you were fake and inane.

There you go. If Trump had ever even once faced a consequence for his actions, we’d all be a lot better off. But here we are. He gets told, “you’re violating laws” and he says “do something about it” and nothing happens.

Coming to CBS this fall: Hakim's Law. Sundays at 8, 7 Central.