
Possible but unlikely. If someone dropped a glass on an outdoor patio without table service, do you think the bar would send someone out to clean it up or would they leave the hazard on their deck? If they answer is “Yea we’ll leave it.” Fine that’s legal. But if they are sending someone out their to clean it up, then

The definition of “place of employment” in the same law excludes any area that employees are not required to pass through to perform their work - so outdoor seating areas that have no table service would not qualify as a “place of employment” for the purpose of this particular law.

You should. That is exactly the point. The fault and responsibility should lie with party making the mistake.

But the patio isn’t “in” those places. It’s outside. And it certainly doesn’t mean “people shouldn’t be vaping around other diners.”

Because people work in these businesses that do not get to vote with there business and a bartender or waitress should not have to inhale secondhand smoke all night because the owner of their establishments are greedy for that smoker money. 

I don’t think Jo frequents Kensington. 

Probably. But those racists know how to stay undercover, they aren’t gonna make life tough for Jojo.

Racists have abandoned basketball long ago in Philly.  They also can no longer afford to live in Philly.  Joel is good.  

He is if Tonyan keeps running. In that case, he hits him shoulder to shoulder, like is suggested. Is the defender supposed to read the receiver’s mind in the half a second between when Tonyan catches it and impact?

Oh I know, but just in this particular case it wasn’t a choice between making the play and the hit. The only play was to knock the ball out, he tried to do that, and failed to the detriment of Maddox.

That man is making 15x what the average American worker is, many of whom who are also risking injury,debilitation, and death.

The play here was the big hit. He needed to jar the ball loose. He didn’t leave his feet and was aiming for shoulder-first contact. He just missed.

Morality is relative. George Washington owned people and Grover Cleveland married his adopted daughter. The choice isn’t whether or not the wealth gap is immoral; it is whether or not we want to treat it as immoral.

What about the Eagles?  Do we just not talk about that happening? 

The problem isn’t Sunday weddings, the problem is you having kids.

Are we sure that that he wasn’t just accusing an American official of favoring an American player? I mean he wasn’t as certainly not as blatantly Lleyton Hewitt was. 

You are quoting a response to someone who said they feel violated when by a bathroom attendant. A bitch is a slang term for a complaint you seem to to definitely have a complaint. Finally, the comment about sexual partners was just a ...complete phone survey of every partner you have had. Sorry I had to break the bad

The drama. If you feel violated because someone stands by the sink while you use the bathroom, that’s a you problem.