Count this among your blessings.
Count this among your blessings.
Maybe it is a regional thing. I am in Mid Atlantic, and if someone here actually barbecued at a “Barbecue” I would exploded with excitement.
You have to start buying more beer because until then brewers are going to brew what everyone wants and not just you.
Found leftovers pretty much sustained me through grad school, and while I too have higher standards now (money will do that), most people would probably call me very liberal. I think my years as basically a human raccoon have strengthened my insides.
All of this is true.
Only partially true; us whites do also have potato salad, but every white person I know (a lot) calls a traditional outdoor gathering based around grilled food a barbecue.
Mary Bacon sat in a shabby motel room in Fort Worth, Texas. She just up and split, leaving a note with Anderson that she was going to Texas, but providing no other details. At this point she was suffering from cervical cancer...
Do you text over facebook messenger? Because the mechanics of sending a text and sending a message on there are exactly the same.
I think he means “goes away” like is taken care of and thrown out; not “goes away” like is no longer in the immediate area.
Negative, Ghost Rider.
No, Sir. No trash goes away on its own.
I disagree. You don’t think the populous feared her after they watched her explode dozens of scorpions, the city gate/wall, and the Red Keep with the only giant fucking dragon?
Correct and most places can get it roughly for the price of Heineken so the swap is usually a pretty easy discussion.
YES! 61 minute was sooooooo good. Have you seen it in the last few years? They say it is an occasional release, but I haven’t seen it in NJ.
Trust the Process, Jezebel.
and take Cersei with her.
Lame. Studies have shown highways work most efficiently when 1/3 of the people driving are driving aggressively. Count me in that 1/3...for efficiency!
Why? If I am as safe driving with one hand as you are driving with 2 shouldn’t I be allowed to do so, or maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to drive.
None of the ushers give a shit unless you make it so obvious that they are going to get called out by their boss or they have to clean up something nasty afterwards.
No, but that isn’t why the NFL would be suspending/banning him. They would do that because they want their fans to see they aren’t a league that supports repetitive abusers.