
Women need to explicitly say no, especially younger women. NO NO NO NO. I never had any problems saying that word. If they didn’t get what no meant, it was followed by a kick or a knee to the crotch. Women seem to give to much of their power away.

Seriously. How can you suddenly express regret for what you said when you went out of your way to emphasize that you said it?

i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.

I think it boils down to the Black community being matriarchal. White women just do not carry the confidence or wherewithal to handle white supremacy, racism, Black spaces, Black people etc. And again they’ve been trained to just implode on themselves when they want to get their way...honestly, I feel like we can look

He’s non crazy and actually acts in accordance to his religious (LDS) beliefs, and seriously embraces people of different backgrounds due to his government career as a CIA agent.
Of course right wingers are not going to like him.

For real. I honestly don’t think kids owe their parents much, if anything. Why on earth would you bring a child into the world, and then vote AGAINST that child’s best interests, and still expect your child to accommodate you? Being the bigger person is great and all, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit there and

Trust me, it’s a LOT different to 2008/9 where the exchanges and comments were far friendlier, nuanced and respectful, now, derp! I skip a lot of comments tbh because it descends into a crock of shite arguments about who is more accepting or flame wars over who is right....

These comments have just been straight up gross, and I want people here to reflect long and hard on why they are so incredibly skeptical of him, when they allow every other Tom, Dick and Harry to be “complicated.”

The Jewish problem is a real issue especially in the NY area and even outside of NYC. Even NPR covered it as A lot of the Hisadic population has taken over real estate and control over the governing of certain areas where Black population live. They have slowly bullied the black population out or at least have been

I comment in waves as well. The difference is glaring with the over the top outrage. Today’s “Outrage of The Day” was a piece about how smoking in films influences kids. I just rolled my eyes, and kept on scrolling.

I was a starred commenter way back in the day (2011-ish) and I left for some of the reasons you mentioned. I only came back because Trump won and the internet at large depressed me. I’m glad I came back, but I see some things haven’t changed, and some have...not necessarily for the better.

The White Feminism here is most particularly glaring when the The Root and Jezebel cover the same incident/event without sharing articles.

Just a sweet reminder that a lot of these commenters were the same people OUTRAGED on Rachel Roy’s behalf.

That picture is fucking amazing!!! My own breakdown.

I’m far from a “Stan,” or even a fan; but it seems to me like musical artists who best present themselves via their art (fully acknowledging that B has multiple crazy numerous cowriters,) would probably best represent themselves...via music.

Right, perhaps if people had watched the full 11 minutes, that would have been clear. He acknowledges from the jump that he can’t believe he didn’t fully become capable of loving perfectly after he finally met his Dad. And then, in the midst of the worst time in their marriage, she was going to leave their yacht and

Wait...Clueless was is always my teen movie go to and I’m late 20s....

For the average Floridian, my money is on lead poisoning. Florida is chock full of old and poorly maintained housing, which is in turn full of old flaking lead paint, and both state and federal lead sealing and abatement programs have had their funding slashed.

FL is where you have the terrible combo of old retirees and young people growing up in a place catering to old retirees and little else (“why should I fund schools? I don’t have kids anymore!” is common there) beyond tourism concerns (my hometown hosted Girls Gone Wild spring break movies for years). Also the south is

I blame the government. Who expects old white people in Florida to comprehend intersectionality?