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    That move sounds straight out of porn honestly. Now, that move is perfectly fine IF you get consent that a person is into the sort of thing. Thing is, I don’t know too many people into someone putting their fingers in their mouth straightaway on a first date. I don’t know what their interactions were via text leading

    I don’t agree but it’s cool.

    Yeah. I’m one who comments in waves and I can definitely see why folks from the older crew would peace out. I got here on the tail end of the old crew (writers/staff) being pushed out. There are still some good writers here, but with the new direction of the blog, a new crop of commenters ratcheted up the bullshit

    So again, let me address this. It seems that when something isn’t intended for the masses, aka white folks, some of *y’all really don’t get it and speak completely out of turn. Calling someone a “jew” isn’t antisemitic. Saying that “jews own everything” isn’t anti-semitic either. He’s addressing a common

    I’ve had an exceptionally hard time watching most of the commenters here comment on his newest album and all that he’s revealed regarding himself and his marriage. Maybe because I ‘get’ men (and people, really) like this. Everyone isn’t born self aware. Everyone’s experiences aren’t the same. Everyone doesn’t have all

    I really wish the state legislature would find a way to make all these retirees cough up a mandatory annual flat rate of taxes to fund the school system in the district they live in. I wish it was the stipulation tax built in to purchase a house or condo down here. One of two things would happen. Retirees would stop

    Also! Lol

    My sentiments exactly

    Nah. I’m black and I agree with the OP. You may not agree and that’s cool. But, chick is not nice and usually it seemed like it came out of nowhere. I wouldn’t have posted about it cuz she’s leaving and who cares now? But it’s not black woman hate to point out how rude someone is/was.

    Shared values, common goals, attraction. Literally any number of reasons other than “they just happened to be there all abundant and shit.” Lol

    Nah. If that were the case, then most minorities would be married to white folks because of the sheer numbers. And that’s definitely the the case. Sure, it’s a numbers game, but that is not the reason that the majority of folks wind up in interracial relationships.

    That part.

    I agree. It’s definitely that sort of tone on this particular story.

    I’m pretty sure he does drugs. There was an incident at a club in SD a good deal of years back (maybe 8 or so) where he basically had to be carried out of the club for being so inebriated. I thought he was just drunk but with everything that’s come out lately, I’d wager good money that he was lit of more than alcohol

    THIS. She was a stripper. Anyone could have seen her naked. Now, I love strippers and I DO NOT CONDONE HIM RELEASING HER NUDES. What I’m saying is he “outed” her like he was dating Princess Mary Kate. He wasn’t. He’s a sucker because we all knew the potential for this to go left, so when it did, him acting all

    That’s true too. So yeah. I agree with that.

    Let me be clear, I don’t want that to happen. At all. I’m just saying that because the industry is so male dominated, that might be the only thing that gets to them. That and...well, him not making money for studio execs or being caught stealing money in some way.

    I’m wondering that as well. I’m sure there’s a reason they haven’t but yeah...that seems like the logical next step.

    I watch porn occasionally. I’m not an avid porn watcher so until I started reading this site, I had no idea who this dude was and that he was so heralded in the porn industry. Maybe it’s because I’m not an avid watcher that I don’t get the appeal (not just of him) in following any porn actor/actress. Couple that with

    I don’t celebrate the 4th of July, so I feel you. But, I also don’t celebrate Christmas and a few other “holidays” as well. The only one I go out of my way for is Thanksgiving...but that’s more “yay, family time” and less “hooray for turkey and smallpox for native folks.”