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    Nah. It’s maddening. I think they go the way the clicks go. And, everyone loves a good celeb gossip story every now and again, especially as a break to this crazy political shit happening practically hourly now. HOWEVER, what’s so annoying is that when you want to read dirt bag here, 80% of them are overflowing with

    Right. It makes me mad because this is YET ANOTHER way this fucking family is deceptive and peddling BS to people looking to all things the K-family way. She’s had surgery to craft her body. I have no idea if she’s maintained it through exercise, but if I had to guess, I’d say no. To me, she’s not fit in a healthy,

    Eh. When I worked in an office I knew folks who did fitness competitions. During the week they’d just bring in tupperware stuff and eat according to their meal plan. I’ve done it before too. It actually saves a shit ton on time to prep stuff on a Sunday, portion it out and not have to worry about cooking or doing any

    Stop what, exactly? I said it can happen. I have been sunburned and IN MY CASE it was a special level of negligence that caused it. Generally, I don’t need sunscreen and won’t burn doing everyday activities or even going to the beach. Your mileage may vary though.

    Okay. Here goes.

    No one healthy eats like this. Period. This shit that is peddled in gossip mags and IG pages is not an actual diet for health. It’s a diet for starvation. I work out a LOT regularly and I’m in good shape. I eat real meals. I know women who have phenomenal looking bodies too. NONE of them eat like this. At all.

    Right. It’s a selective few who craft an entire career just to cover up crimes. It’s more likely that he believed in the messages he helped craft for the Cosby Show AND was a rapist. The two are not, unfortunately, mutual exclusive.

    The thing is, lots of everyday black folks, especially older ones like my dad, think these allegations are another ploy by “the man” to keep a good black man down. What they fail to realize is Cosby the man and Cosby the character are not the same person. Black folks my age and younger are definitely not team Cosby. I

    Lol, I don’t know where you live but nipple hair and gold chains on the beach (or really, anywhere) is tacky as hell.

    When I am outside running, I still use 50. It’s excessive, yes. But, I’m more concerned about winkles than I am sunburn. Right now in everyday life, I don’t use any sunblock since I’m not usually outside for long periods of time. Also, I have vitamin D3 deficiency and I actually need the sun. Before I found that out,

    Lol. I’m black so sunburn is something that takes a special level of negligence, but it can happen.

    I live in FL and we have nude beaches here (hidden, but still...they’re here). Do most folks want to go to nude and/or topless beaches to actually look at others? Or to just sunbathe with out tan lines? I am not offended in the least by nudity but I know I don’t want to go to a nude beach to see boobs and balls. If I

    She likes them!!!! Indeed. What a novel idea :) (no snark either, I totally agree with that sentiment.)

    I wore booty shorts from 17 until...well, now. I’m a productive member of society without drug or drinking problems. My mother was a prude and hated my booty shorts. She made inappropriate comments about my self worth because she related my choice in attire to how I saw myself. She was wrong about that just like I’m

    Nah. I’m in FL. I have about 3 other former gym mates who are toughing it out. I could never get into the same class time as them due to our schedules, so I just decided to bow out. I’m still working out but I’ve been doing it so long that I can put together my own routines and such. I will probably try to find

    I don’t know what to tell you. I recently quit my crossfit gym for the same reason. I loved the environment initially (about 2 years ago) but after the election and all the stupid shit I saw posted online by them, I had to go.

    From what I understand, someone said was a POC as well. But...self hate is REAL so if that’s true, she still could have been racially motivated in her “awards.”

    I get your urgency but your post came off sort of harsh (to me). I do get what you’re saying though and I agree. I think there’s a middle ground though. I do think the level of inappropriateness here does suggest that something that falls in the realm of abuse may have gone on in the past or be going on currently.

    If you ever go through anything like that again, try Nucenta (not a rep, just someone who has a high pain tolerance and hates narcotic pain meds as well). I had an operation and told them the exact same thing. That was the only option they had and it worked well. I was only prescribed 20, it was low dose and it

    That was the thing. I was deeply disturbed by this season in the beginning. However, I got into as the episodes went on. And, there were some things that didn’t make sense to me this season. Claire and the scumbag boyfriend were high on that list. And everything about Kathy from her decisions to her fate were as well.