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    Honestly, I’d prefer her to go full on ‘bitch’ with it. Yes, I do think that there is some hate when a woman is attractive and successful. There’s also hate when a fat woman wears something people think is inappropriate. Or a black woman with course hair wears it natural. Or a Muslim woman wears a hijab...or doesn’t.

    I buy Fiji water because I’ve been to Fiji, know folks there, and actually want to support one of their largest exports.

    She does, actually.

    To be fair, if I wasn’t cultured at all, I wouldn’t know what ricotta is either. However, I would ask. I think Jaden is hilarious for this post nonetheless.

    They (whoever ‘they’ are) renamed our generation. I was born in 1980 and it was all Gen X back then. Then it was Gen Y and finally Millennials. I have no idea why that happened and who’s dedicated to which group now. That’s a long way of saying, I have no idea. Lol.

    I had a non-profit job where I had 5 weeks of vacation starting on day one. You HAD to use it before the end of the year. There was no rollover until you were in your fourth year of employment. I work from home now (and still have 4 weeks at this new company plus we’re closed the last two weeks of the year), but that

    I loved that line in Eastbound and Down. That show was hilarious.

    He’s a dirtbag and one of the reasons folks who question Christianity have all the ammo in the world to do so. SMH.

    Now that you mention it, I remember hearing something crazy like that but dismissed it because it sounded over the top. But years have passed and I’ve met industry folks who have told me some extremely wild stories so that doesn’t sound so far fetched anymore.

    They were engaged, just dating. She dumped him after he cheated. In that situation, I understood why they broke up. Since then though, I think she’s been engaged twice and both times it was broken off. Her marriage to ex-choir boy was rushed after a really quick dating period. If she likes it, I love it for her

    She is extremely fake to me as well. I think a lot of it comes from having really low self esteem. That seems to just radiate from her and, no matter how many times they have a “come to Jesus” talk on The Real about whatever their issues are, I really don’t think she’s a secure person. A lot of stuff she says and does

    I’m not gonna lie. I liked his music and still do listen to some of it. But, apparently he is not a good dude. He constantly cheated on his wife while on the road and started dating Bailon before he was divorced. It seems like she can do better, but she’s been in a few engagements that have gone nowhere over the years

    Because they are incompetent and Warren, Ohio’s government is run like the mob. If you know the right people or have the right last name, you’re good. The aunt having any status in Cleveland didn’t matter because it’s not Warren. Unless she knew someone who could help and was willing to “pay to play” so to speak, it

    It was. Their were activists fighting for her release, along with her lawyer, and her mother (along with Bresha) was okay with having her name out there for these purposes.

    I actually know relatives of the abusive husband. I’m related to one of them by marriage. I wasn’t aware of this story and it was odd because it happened in my hometown. Her take is that dude was innocent. And everyone else, (including her husband who I’m related to by blood) called bullshit on that.

    Naturi was the classiest one of them (and still is). I hope she has continued success in her future with acting. The joke was really on William’s of 3LW because I have no idea what else she did outside of the group (and the horrible, horrible thing that was Cheetah Girls.)

    I agree. Me and my SO run an online business. If he’s doing some illegal shit to make us money, I would have NO CLUE. Not because I’m stupid, but because there are parts of the business that I don’t deal with (because it’s not my expertise). Sure, I understand those parts of the business, but in a limited way. I think

    I didn’t judge her that harshly. She was from a different era. It was explained that she’d been with him since she was 13 and he was 16. He was her entire life and, up until he was exposed, he had provided damn well for her. Her finding out what he did and not leaving was much more realistic for a person of her era.

    They portrayed him as a sociopath. Which is how his victims see him, I’m sure. I don’t know how ridiculous he was to his family and friends, but they played that up to the max as well. Beyond the ponzi scheme, I’m sure he had his flaws. I would have liked to have seen a more nuanced portrayal of him and not just the

    I’m not sure how true that last statement is. The Nigerian government has been dealing with Boko Haram for years now and they have done what they can without the aid of military force from other places (US, UK, etc). And I’m not saying that anyone else needed to intervene. What I’m saying is that the Nigerian