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    Yeah. Their scheduling software actually went out again, which is why they couldn’t just easily swap folks out or calling pilots/FAs. They couldn’t really be honest about that because they would have had to refund all those flights so they said it was “weather related”. But, at a certain point, that definitely was not

    There’s a Prince mix on Spotify.

    Ah! Thank you for that. I thought the entire team was unionized. I know many FAs and pilots are and I mistakenly thought that extended to all areas of the company (except ticket agents. I have yet to meet unionized ticket agents).

    Yeah, that’s true. However, that weather might have affected the flights for a day or two. But for it to extend as long as it did and for them to be dishonest about why (saying weather the whole time) was really a disappointment.

    I will never ever fly them again

    So this is the part of the story where you’re gonna hate my answer, but here goes. It’s customary in that part of the country to fire or otherwise shun women who have been raped (and definitely those who report it). Does the make it acceptable to me? No. Knowing the culture and dynamics of that region, however, it

    Stop asking. Just change the status (if it’s a downgrade to the status like the FWB). Also, if he were interested, you’d have a clear sign by now or he’d be doing the asking. It’s for the best to cut the ties and free yourself up to meet someone who’s on the same page.

    Yep. I’ve read the second one. I’ll have to check out the first. I also read Dangerous Instincts by Mary Ellen O’Toole. It was a while ago but some stuff stuck with me.

    I feel like it’s her. I hate to say that but something about her choices in men seems extremely odd. Most of her relationships have been marred in some type of secrecy that seems to go above and beyond the normal story of a celebrity wanting their privacy from the press/outside world. It could be that she is used to

    Sadly this chick has been in a few long term relationships to people who seem very reasonable and likable. Michael Duncan (RIP) was with her for a while before he passed on. I was sure she would be alone forever because her attitude is terrible but there’s at least one person willing to deal with it, I guess. Kudos to

    According to the Delta pilot’s forum, the scheduling system is the reason for this latest issue. It’s failed again.

    That’s the thing I wanted to stress here as well. You might look/feel silly for a minute but that’s better than being in the back of someone’s trunk because you didn’t want to rock the boat. If you think something is off to that degree, protect yourself! Also, I watch way too much ID channel and they’ve started

    I’m not sure. When I was telling this to a few friends yesterday, so many of them basically said they’d been followed in some capacity recently and in almost every story it was at Walmart. It’s crazy and scary.

    Damn, that’s something I would have never thought of. I’ll remember that.

    Yeah, I’m going to write them today for sure. I thought about hitting up their social media but didn’t want to put the guy’s full name out there without his permission.

    Thank you. I’m definitely gonna write them today.

    Thanks! I’m enjoying a nice glass of Resiling right now.

    So, this had me shook for a minute today.

    I have not heard of that. But, I know they canceled a whole lot of flights the previous day because ATL airport was grounded for weather. So a lot of that was rollover.

    That definitely could be a reason. I just think as a whole, Delta’s operation is shitty. They had one gate agent for a flight of 180 that needed to be rebooked. Then the manager came to help. Because corporate doesn’t want to pay overtime and their union contracts are so iron clad (which is a result of previous