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    Right. It was a complete shit show. I was amazed that they didn’t close the doors and were actually reacting with amusement when people who had to de-plane had a meltdown. And I don’t say that lightly. They were making announcements afterward and sort of chuckling through them. I would have been LIVID.

    True story. My flight to ATL was canceled an hour before it was scheduled to take off. Luckily, I was flying from my home base so I could just go back home. And it was for pleasure not business so I wasn’t in any danger of having to reschedule. I just got a refund and went home.

    I didn’t know the same amount of details at that point as I do now. So that’s why I didn’t ask or challenge at that time. But, I wasn’t seeking info to challenge or argue either. It was a topic that came up at work during the time and he expressed his feelings. I listened and got a different perspective. What he did

    I think we all kinda did...that was the point. Lol

    I’ve seen it. But that movie came out like last year. I got this personal account from my coworker years ago as the situation was happening.

    I got a really good account of the history of Libya from my co-worker who was from Nigeria but was very familiar with the country. He HATED Obama for that action because he said our country took out a dictator who had his own issues, but who also brought that country from the bottom into a relatively good style of

    Yeah. My dad was in Desert Storm and I asked him his thoughts. He hates 45 but even he said that he feels like an air strike needed to happen. He sentiment is once a destabilized country uses chemical weapons and no one does anything, and they have the support of a tenuous frenemy... in this case Russia, all bets are

    Is this a situation where we’ve been launching missiles, but this is just 45's first directive on the matter? Is it a situation that is likely contrived as a strike to Assad but also a strike against the rumors about Russian collusion in our election? Should we have done nothing? Is this an unofficial act of war,

    I had that same reaction.

    As someone who used to comment heavily over there until rape-gate 2012 (or whenever that post by Damon Young was written) I have to agree with you. I think the other guy, the co-authot/founder (I cannot remember this name but I remember his face) was much more tongue-in-cheek with his writing and opened up a lot of

    I actually enjoy is zest for life. It seems genuine. Yes, he is a shameless self promoter but I still don’t mind it. He seems happy to be alive and sometimes, that’s just a nice energy to have.

    Lol. I know Jonathan used to be married but it didn’t last. He talks about it very rarely. However, I remember when he said something about it on their Vegas homebuilding show I wanted someone to immediately find his ex and interview her. For...reasons. Lol

    I’m pretty sure she prefers not to be in the spotlight. He’s always at events with her and whatnot, but she’s not really here for the limelight nonsense. I totally feel her.  

    He looks like Adam Lambert in this picture. Lol

    Drew’s (slick brother who usually wears the suits) been dating that chick for over 5 years I think. Only reason I know he is getting married is because he has an IG that is shockingly Jonahtan-free. It’s mostly him and his lady or him on his own. I don’t think him and his brother are in an incestuous relationship at

    I am sick of HGTV’s host lineup. All of them. I HATE, HATE, HATE “List It or Risk It” (also known as “Love it or List it” on TV, but let’s be real...they all just need to fucking move already).

    Right. I do agree. I just think there is a level of psychological abuse that keeps women (and men) in situations.  The abuser attacks their victim’s self worth relentlessly so in addition to financial (and other) abuse, the victim is constantly questioning their own thoughts and beliefs, making it harder to leave

    Ah...that’s where I got mixed up. I knew Celeste knew earlier in the book, but I thought it actually was Perry’s cousin. I didn’t read closely and I read it a while back so I kept thinking that in the series we’d find out that it was his cousin and not him.

    That’s why when she went to the architecture firm thinking she’d finally found the guy and heard the dude’s voice, she got flustered and left. She realized it wasn’t him. Once he stood up and wasn’t super tall, that solidified it for her as well.

    I don’t think he was a serial rapist. I just think he wasn’t able to do the dance/cycle he normally did with Celeste with the nice times, build up, abuse then rough sex/rape when she was pregnant so he raped someone else. The kids were the same age so it had to happen when Celeste was pregnant or they were trying to