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    Yes. But for political organizing purposes, unions have to raise money though a separate fund that is taxable under federal law. From what I know personally, they state this upfront and it’s not a part of member dues. It’s a donation that can be given separately and voluntarily.

    A church that has a congregation and staff that is 90-99% black. Unless you’re not from here, it’s pretty much known that (most) black people tend to stick to attending churches with predominantly black people at the helm and in the pews.

    I hate to break it to you but pastors already do this. A lot of them. Especially those in the black church (not sure about interracial churches, although I have been and I don’t remember that happening in any but one).

    Right. It’s completely nonsensical.

    Will you campus paper let you publish articles from POC who are college graduates (or students) but do not attend your particular school? If so, I’d start there. There are tons of POC who want to write about race in a nuanced way but are not given the platform to do so. You might get an uptick in local POC who

    Yeah. I don’t think it’s an all or nothing thing like some others do. That said, I don’t think it’s often an effective discipline method, but like you, I also don’t think everyone who uses does to because they are abusive.

    I don’t even disapprove of spanking in certain instances, but that sounds nutty as hell.

    I’m in agreement that CM’s decision was dumb as hell. What career she was still enjoying is effectively over. Non-black folks are not buying her music, coming to see her in concerts or watching her on TV, and she’s pretty much destroyed her target audience checking for her.

    I think she understands that. What I got from her in this response is that she was speaking out about the way folks were critical of CM. The “uncle Tom” comments and “cancelling CM in 2017" comments might be understandable but I agree that it’s unproductive.

    Absolutely. I know everyone has their own path to walk. Divorce is hard but it’s not something that should bar you from being happy later on. I’m glad my friend is out of both of her abusive relationships, working on herself and learning to set healthy boundaries, etc so I am hopeful for her. I hope it works out for

    My homegirl is the same age and is twice divorced as well. It’s working for her though because she chose badly both times based on her own childhood trauma. I hope she finds a good person for marriage number three.



    I agree with you. I just think Bush was NO WHERE near as bad as Trump has been and it’s only been like three days in office.

    Hell, he and his administration are gaslighting the shit out of the American people right now, so I know he’s doing the same to her. The one thing I cannot help but think is this: Folks keep saying they don’t feel sorry for her because she married him for the money. Listen. People get into relationships for a lot of

    I don’t think we’re doing that. She was smiling and seemingly happy in the clip above. Once he said something to her, that smile vanished. We’re noting how utterly despondent and genuinely sad she looks as a result and what that could possibly mean for her in this marriage. At least, that’s how I see it. I’m pretty

    Honestly though, if he has this much contempt for her and so much icky love for his daughter, do you think he’s leaving a nice chunk of change for her to live off of once he passes? I’m sure he has his estate locked air-tight, leaving his daughter most of the fortune and Melania some pithy monthly stipend to be cut

    Oh, it’s not that we don’t remember. But, in comparison to someone who is literally trying to insulate us from all other countries, cut off international trade, stop immigration, overturn gay rights, build a wall with taxpayer money, AND possibly join Russia in the Syrian war against ISIS (and their own country???),

    Yep. Not gay or bi or trans but march with, and fundraise and phone-bank for LBGTQ organizations in my local community and ATL when I’m there on business. Have never had an abortion, but I donate to organizations that provide sexual health services and safe abortion services. My passion is social justice and prison

    That was the thing. The figure skating world body-shamed the shit out of Harding and I never liked that. She was damn good. And honestly, I think she was capable of winning and didn’t need to do that dumb shit to get ahead.