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    I, too, could not STAND Kerrigan. I didn’t want her to get clubbed like that either. I hated her persona because it was the first time I had seen the media hype of someone SO.FUCKING.MEDIOCRE just because she was “attractive” (not to me, but to a lot of folks apparently) while the sports world was horribly classist to

    I hollered at this because it’s horrifying accurate. I PRAY for a GWB to save us right now. Lol

    I think changing the laws regarding reproductive rights definitely effects all women. When I said white women show up in droves for that cause, what I meant is that, for some reason, they believe it’s of direct consequence to them so they are there in full force. I’m not saying they shouldn’t show up for that because

    I’d like to see white feminists examine whether or not you show up for other issues related to women/people of color. If not, why? If attending a BLM march or event isn’t your thing, that’s cool. But, do you rant over news of about infringement of reproductive rights but stay silent when a WOC or black man is killed

    I was an executive assistant for someone who does work around sexual awakening. I was invited to participate in the actual workshops and intensives and one of the things I noticed (as the only black person there) is that every white and Latina woman understood how frustrating it is to experience life as a second-class

    I didn’t go. I don’t actually know why. Probably because I’d been out of the country for a few days last week, slammed with work this week and uninformed about all the happenings nationwide. I thought it was just DC having the march. Shame.

    It’s classic narcissist behavior.

    Lol. Thanks for letting me know. It’s crazy but I can totally see that.

    If you were to ask a Neo-Nazi, Italian might be on the border. But Greek, Portuguese and Slavic/Slovenian would be a strict no-no in terms of purity. Spaniards too. Honestly anyone who wasn’t German, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish or English is just not white enough for them.

    Nah. They come up, usually, being indoctrinated. It’s not something easy to break from. It’s like scientology without the official “shunning”. However, it’s hard to be a agnostic or atheist or just go your own way and reject all you’ve been taught in most cases. So I don’t think most folks deserve it. I just think

    All of it is bullshit. All of it. The camel and needle eye, and prosperity gospel alike. It’s all bullshit.

    Hmmm...now that you mention that, I can see it. Damn. I’m sorry to hear it. I don’t think I can watch it the same way anymore. Also, I realize they don’t have too many women that they have on the show in a meaningful way either. So I definitely can see that.

    I actually said I hate all their interviewers/hosts (outside of Eddie and Action) but I take that back. Krishna of Weeditique and the dude who hosts Cyber-whatever-it’s-called is good. Krishna has an insanely good way of moving through the various episodes and interacting with people from various backgrounds in a

    I’ll see you Eddie and raise you Action Bronson. He and his crew are hilarious to me. I watch Desus and Mero as well but they do a talk-like show. The rest of them though...hate them all. Great shows. Awful hosts.

    I hate him. Hate him as the host. He is the worst choice for such a dynamic show.

    I agree with you on most everything. Personally, I know some women who need to implement some rule for themselves on having sex too soon because I’m tired of hearing about how “all guys want is the ass” AFTER they’ve submitted to a series of one-night stands. Like, either get comfy with your sexuality and how you use

    Lol, for some reason, I can believe all of it.

    Agreed. I don’t give a fuck and will never. Not even on my “moral compass” radar.

    Apparently, there is a rumor that Aaron Rodgers is gay, Munn is his beard and his family is upset that he won’t just live “out” of the closet and that’s why there is this rift. It’s interesting for sure but I have no idea how true it is or how it got started.

    Thing is, the book had some decent points. But for the most part, it was shit that you could get from good parenting or sage advice from anyone with life experience. I don’t think the 90 wait is horrible if you aren’t looking for the hit and quit. The problem I had with the book was the fact that it was aimed at black