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    This is exactly why I never bought their stuff. Their ads always always seemed like advertisements for young mail-order brides or “massage parlor” services. I could never understand why it was popular considering.

    Make Trump come to your table. Don’t go to his. That’s kind of what needs to be happening right now with any leaders of communities he’s marginalized over the curse (it was an initial typo but it makes so much sense I refuse to change it to “course”) of his campaign. I get that he’s the *president-elect but I still

    Lol. I felt like such an ass for my comment yesterday but I was really dumbfounded by her age. She’s only 10 years older than me but I thought she was in my mom’s age bracket. Even with the young son she has, I just thought she got a later start on having kids.

    OMG...The only thing I got from that picture is that Melania is only 46. MY GAWD. She looks like she’s in her late 50's trying to hold on to youth through botox. Wow. I’m sorry. I’m just a bit stunned. I truly, truly thought she was (way) older than that.

    My mother has a different father from the rest of her siblings and since it’s quite obvious from an aesthetic standpoint, she said she always kinda “knew” from a young age. She was the closest to the man who raised her though and he was an excellent grandpa. It’s just now, as my mother is nearing 60 that she’s

    I usually am very good about getting physicals annually but have slacked off for the past three years. I have still gone to the doctor, but haven’t gotten my yearly. This year I made my appt. So, hopefully all is still well.

    I could never. Lol. I don’t need transfusions but I still wouldn’t chance it. Don’t want to end up having to do so.

    The b12 injection was what they did at first to help with...absorption, I guess. That seemed to help. I eat just fine though and do OK with supplements so, for now, it’s cool. There is a possiblity I may have to do more aggressive treatment later though.

    He’s not usually my type of dude when it comes to comedy. Reminds me of Hannibal Burress in that they both have this sort of lazy way of speaking and aloof nature that I don’t like and don’t find...attractive, for lack of a better term. But, the comedy special was funny as hell. And I like most of what Hannibal does

    I didn’t mind his stand up. It was funny actually. In his texts posted here in the article he came across a bit unfunny. But once someone posted the exchange from the beginning, I kinda got why he might have been a bit put-off by her.

    I kinda feel this. Hard. The way she jumped from that sort of weird, but benign exchange to “he’s a horrible person” is really ridiculous.

    Right. He seems very unfunny and self depreciating. She seems like she was taken aback that he didn’t want to meet up so she overreacted in a major way. Had she have just asked him outright, he said no, and then she just wrapped it up nicely and moved along, I wouldn’t feel any way about her. But, this whole,

    This is me. I have a very serious iron deficiency that I have been threatened with hospitalization over if my levels dip below a certain point. I could eat all the spinach and other dark leafy greens until the cows came home and I STILL would not have enough iron to function properly. I have to take a prenatal vitamin

    It very much does read that way. I thought that’s what she meant.

    It depends on what you’re into. People who aren’t into the whole “fashion”(or fitness or whatever that “thing” is that makes folks want to maintain their look for themselves more than anyone else) thing often read something like that and think it’s sexist or just plain wrong because it places the onus of the action on

    Back when I didn’t think reality tv was the precipice to evil, I loved this show.

    Lol, more like the -sim in simi valley. So, simmage.

    Honestly, Dereka isn’t that bad. I don’t hate it. Other name that is unconventional but I don’t hate. Only heard it once. Samej. It’s James spelled backwards, pronounced Sem-ahj (j sound like the -ge in garage).

    The fact that you called him Landry is hilarious because that is the only name I know him by. But I do know his face though so any time I see him I think “oh, there’s Landry”.

    There’s definitely been some pushback and enjoyable protesters along the way, but you’re right.