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    I’m not old enough to actually remember Crawford when she was alive but I did see Mommy Dearest as a child. Dunaway was so good in it, I didn’t believe that actually wasn’t Crawford until I got older, watched it again and then googled the credits because I knew for SURE that Crawford starred in her own autobiography

    Lol. My best friend from college was from the sticks of Ohio and used to say that. That’s where I got it from.

    I don’t see it as a moral judgement. She likes to be covered and doesn’t understand why fashion trends don’t cater to that. However her faith plays out in her clothing choices is her business. But, I don’t see her shaming people for theirs. Just a general comment that, because of her faith, folks take to have hidden

    Nah. What she said was a general comment about her thoughts on the state of fashion. NOT about the value of women who dress differently from her. The exact tweets were:

    Wholesale. But...I know nothing about that. Lol

    Right. Not offensive in the least. Make that money...don’t let the money make you. (completely not relevant but I love that line. Lol).

    I’m about to be 36 and my bf is 31. When I was 29, my bf was 24 going on 25. We were together for 5 years (I ended it). Point being, men will go for older women.

    If you don’t mind me asking...oh nevermind, I see someone else asked the same thing. (where you live). That’s crazy.

    I completely understand that though. It’s tough because having worked for a union, I can list so many fucked up things I saw. But, having known union workers proud of their shops and what the work meant for the health and wellbeing of their families, I see both the good and the bad.

    I understand. I felt super guilty for leaving the labor union work because I was so good at it...but I was having anxiety attacks, my perspective was limited to what I thought was right, my patience was thin and my health was suffering. Ultimately, I had to do what was necessary for me. I still protest and lend a hand

    Yes recently. No, not in NY though.

    Having worked in the prison community for a little while, I can tell you that they do not separate the child rapists for their own good. If anything, the staff let others know why he’s in there and let what may happen...well, happen.

    She looks largely the same (maybe nose job) minus having lost some weight and better contouring. So...yeah. That’s her “original” face.

    I will say he never had an issues with that. But, he stopped doing it after a while too so that might have helped.

    You know...in the five years we dated, I saw him kinda do this one thing. It was like a “dick raise” where he’d tie the weight around the base of his dick, and then stretch it out a bit before he did like...raises. He made it move to sort of lift the weight slightly.

    That was not Method Man. It was Redman.

    Redman’s Cribs is tied with Mariah for the best in the history of the show. Hands down.

    My ex used to tie a weight (about 2 lbs or so) on his penis and do some sort of dick exercise in order to stretch it and strengthen it. I used to laugh but...let’s just say that he was well endowed and I was very happy. This procedure sounds a lot like what my ex did...just the non-surgical, meathead way.

    I wish you strength and pray that you find some peace around it all. You did the right thing, regardless of what dickwads like this (IN Gov.) say.

    Perms are the white folks answer to the Jheri curl. BOTH styles were horrible. Lol.