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    These are the types of jabs that let me know your friends are amazing. Lol. I’d say the same thing to my daughter if the opportunity presented.

    I always wonder about the parents in this situation. Had that have been my son who did this, I’m 100% certain that corporal punishment would have been on the menu that day. I would be outraged at the thought of him thinking that was okay.

    Bipoloar I disorder. The erratic and prolonged mood swings seem to look a lot like what people who deal with mania and depression go through. If he was just sort of cycling rapidly with his moods (which he might, but from the looks of it, he seems to be having a full-on meltdown that is standing the test of time

    I’ve said that he’s mentally unwell since about 2009 when he released 808 and Heartbreaks (well, late 2008 but 2009 is when I was like hmmmm). He is not mentally stable. At all. It’s time for the reporting to stop exploiting that and start hinting at the bigger issues that are at hand. No one can armchair diagnose.

    He’s not well. At all. This is not normal. An intervention needs to happen and soon. Yes, he could just be an asshole as well. But, at this level, it’s genuine mental illness (I think, as someone with a diagnosis and knowledge of how mental illness looks in others).

    Thank you for your insight. I will definitely visit there and see what it’s like.

    It’s her persona that makes me think she’s shallow. All her songs are about heartbreak and love gone wrong. To be fair, a lot of music is. For her, it’s her brand and it’s really one note (no pun intended). I liked 1989. I thought it was fun and enjoyable. That said, the way she conducts herself in the media (the

    I know a few folks with neck tattoos as well. They are business owners (and not in a tongue-n-cheek sort of way, but legitimate business men). When you carve your own path, you don’t have to conform. That’s all it tells me.

    Exactly. She acts like she’s still in her late teens. She has no depth. AT all. Her music is cool. I don’t hate her (so back off Tay lovers). She just seems extremely immature for her age.

    I have a bipolar parent as well as a mild form of the disorder myself. I hate watching this because it seems very much like he’s mentally disturbed to the max.

    I am not a doctor/psychiatrist, but I’d bet money on it.

    I think she largely stays out of his way for his lyrics. So her “approval” may just be letting him do his thing and not saying “hey, don’t put that line in there because it’s disrespectful.” Also, I’m sure he didn’t ask before he did it. So there’s that.

    Something has been going on for YEARS with this man mentally and no one around him seems to think there is an issue (or if they do, they’ve said their piece and it fell onto deaf ears). What I don’t find funny is how blatant his breakdowns seem to be and how no one is actually talking about the possibility of mental

    Definitely. I’ve seen dicks of this size. But the way he’s holding it doesn’t make sense. If you gonna flaunt it, go balls deep with it.

    It depends on how he uses it. It can definitely be too big if the guy’s a jackhammer/rabbit pumper type. But, if he’s not and actually has some skill and most importantly is in tune with who he’s sexing, it can be quite...nice.

    Indeed. It’s real and clearly he’s a shower not a grower cuz that thing could not get any bigger.

    Same. They literally make me angry.

    He’s an asshole. I’m not debating his musical skill. I’m debating a possible reason why some folks, mainly with better judgement, still like him apart from the music.

    Thing is, most people who stan for Kanye love the ideas he used to represent. His first few albums were so great because you never really had any rapper during that time who wasn’t posing as “hard”/”gangsta” or representing the total opposite being conscious and “woke”. There wasn’t too much of the “regular” guy in

    I like her but man he is annoying as shit.