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    I’m not interesting in living in Europe at all. I have been to those places and lived in Germany growing up. As an adult, I have no desire to live in Europe. Africa or Central America? Yes.

    I agree, which is why I’m cool to visit, but not to live. Neither of us is Muslim (or very religious at all for that matter) and I think his “male privilege” is what makes him say he’d like to live there. I’m looking for more island culture type vibes so leaning toward parts of Africa and Central America.

    Still looking. Somewhere in Africa most likely (don’t care much for the “western” world).

    Cool. Thanks for the input.

    Thank you. Thankfully, dating in the US has not been an issue. But I do want to raise kids with a global perspective because I think it’s what has helped me not have some of the (very understandable) hang ups that many of my black women friends do.

    I think because of where I’ve said I’ve been and lived people are assuming that I want to move to Europe. I do not. At all. I’m not trying to move somewhere to take advantage of my American blackness. I am not trying to move somewhere where my African counterparts are treated horribly while I benefit from assumptions.

    Not sure who you know or where you went to school, but American Blacks range from very pale to violet black and everything in between. And no, most of us are not chocolate bar brown and darker. Caramel and butterscotch (for lack of better descriptors) colored black folks are not “the minority aside from family

    Thank you!

    Yeah. You’d be right. I lived in Germany during a large part of the 80s and then again in the early 90s. I’ve traveled to Central America recently and am considering that route. I have no interest in living in any part of Europe or Australia.

    We are looking into what it will take to get them. We own an online company so wherever we go, work comes with. But, he’s an ex military contractor so his options for sponsorship are better than mine (I’m just in sales. Lol. I can teach too though).

    I have no plans to. Lol. Mostly considering Central American countries, parts of Africa, my SO is pushing hard for us to visit some middle eastern countries as well before we make the decision (he’s ex military and really enjoyed parts of that region. I’m in the NOPE camp but willing to at least visit).

    Outside of select countries in Africa (SA, Egypt, Algeria, and a few others), I’m not sure that’s entirely true. Sure there are some spots where that is the case, but it’s FAR less prevalent in Africa as a whole than it is in other places around the world.

    I have friends who live there and love it. However, they are in more remote (for lack of better word) places like Catalan. What you’re saying is not surprising though.

    I would never move to any of those places. I just am pointing out that while there, I was treated with a lot of respect and my color wasn’t a factor (to my knowledge). Again, I might not have been there long enough to see the other side.

    I don’t know how I missed the bottom part of your post, but I take that back. That is not at all just some behavior that is lost in translation. My bad for missing that entirely.

    I can see how stereotypes might play into that. What I find is that many non-American men approach women like that in general. Most folks outside of the US are more direct and to the point. Doesn’t discount your experience. Just offering another point of view to consider.

    In all seriousness, this is why I have chosen to raise kids overseas. I’m still narrowing down exactly where me and Mr. Mo will relocate, but we’re both on board with home being almost anywhere but the US. I lived in Germany...home of the Nazis...for 6 years and NEVER was I discriminated against or made to feel less

    Danity Kane was the shit. They had great harmony and CD’s that could be rocked pretty much song for song (save for some). Diddy was/is a terrible manager so it’s not surprising that they didn’t go as far as they could have. But, for all the pop crap out there, she is legit talented and they all had a great group

    You know, my boyfriend has an interesting view on US politics. He views it like a reality TV show, i.e. for entertainment purposes only. His believes lobbyists run the country and no matter what a candidates wants, once they get into office, they realize half the shit they campaigned on cannot be done because -

    Lol. No.