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    It’s ridiculous and I’m not here for it.

    I wasn’t being snarky about people who love animals. I don’t think animals or people should be drinking lead poisoned water. I just happen to know some folks love nothing BUT animals. And, nothing moves those folks like knowing beloved pets are being poisoned. People? Eh. Children? Double Eh. But pets? Stop the press!

    My mother’s line? “Every guy you sleep with is a potential father to your child...choose wisely.” It’s solid fucking advice.

    That is the issue. But because no one has time to parent adults who make poor choices, my advice is for people not to partner with others who have obvious signs that commitment isn’t on the menu UNLESS they are COOL with that.

    Thanks. I think pretty highly of Ciara. I think she is handling the situation well which is why I do sincerely hope she wins and he has to STFU about their business in public. I really just made an offhand comment about partner selection (in general) that was specific to this situation. But all this “victim blaming”

    And never did I say it was. My advice was more along the lines to really consider a person’s track record before you leap and have to deal with this BS.

    In none of those situations did you say any of those folks partnered up with men who had multiple kids by multiple women. Your best friend is with a man who had one kid before and one with her, right? Okay, if that’s the case, that still doesn’t highlight what I said. Men with multiple kids with no track record of

    The common denominator in this situation is HIM. So yes, HE is the reason there is no commitment. Whatever his reasons are might vary from woman to woman but make no mistake that it’s HIS choices, or lack thereof, that are making/breaking the commitment game. You can sign up to see if it won’t be different with you.

    There’s no anger at all. And I believe a kid needs more than just financial support to be healthy. Ciara can give her kid that for sure. My issue is with Future making kids he has no intention on supporting OUTSIDE of financial obligations but has the audacity to have these public outbursts because she dared to move

    Change “bunch of kids with different women” to “known track record of domestic violence” and then tell me you feel the same. All I’m saying is that if someone has a CLEAR track record of behavior that you don’t think is what you want in a mate long-term, don’t date them. Period.

    For whatever reason, he’s not committing. He’s had three opportunities to do it before and didn’t. So, in her case he at least put marriage on the table. From what has been reported, he cheated and she ended it. I’m sure that was hurtful to her. Based on HIS TRACK RECORD, it’s not at all shocking. That’s all I’m

    It says more about him because we live in a society were men are prompted “make it official” by asking for marriage. And in this case, he’s the one with all the freaking kids. He repeating a pattern of behavior that garbage, so it stands to reason that he’s the one who should be avoided unless being a single mom is

    How is that a shitty thing to say? This dude had three kids by three different women and never committed to them on a serious level. Ciara gave dude the benefit of the doubt and became the mother of his fourth child. She too is raising him apart from Future. Because we live in a society where a man is the one prompted

    Never said being a single mom was wrong. In this instance, however, she wanted to get married because she said yes when he asked (they were engaged before they broke up). I highly doubt her intention was to raise their son alone (as that is not intent for the MAJORITY of folks who have kids).

    I hope she wins.

    I’m guessing now folks who don’t give a shit about actual people might care about this issue. Cuz we all know how some folks don’t get involved until precious Fido and Fluffy are concerned.

    I have taken my FB app off my phone for this exact reason. I love my people but hate them at the same time for their foolishness. We are the QUICKEST to tear down our own just to have something to say. I went off on a family friend today because she had an entire status dedicated to tearing Bey and her efforts down,

    She was. She seems like a massive bitch IRL though so I cannot imagine working with her day in and out.

    I agree. My petty is extra aggressive if it has to be taken there. Lol

    I’m naturally thin. Like...really thin. By American cultural standards, that’s a great thing, but for personal standards, it wasn’t. I worked hard to put on weight. But, again, it was for a personal reason. Whatever you choose to for your life, I hope you do so because you want to, no because you think it’s what