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    This comment is everything!

    Based on those measurements, I’d have people trying to force feed me. I’m almost 5'8" and I just recently got to 150 lbs after YEARS of trying. I’m also black so our culture is less into a certain look. All that to say, I wouldn’t stay at a certain weight for how others view me. I’d stay a certain way because of how

    There are moments when a train comes and blows the “petty” whistle. I usually make that my moment to answer the call. #getyourpettyon

    He’s is refreshingly honest about his past, his mistakes, how he’s changed, experiences that have matured him and more. As rappers go, he’s honestly one of the best examples from the mid-classic rap period (totally made that time frame up but his music isn’t old enough to be considered old school) of a kid who came up

    Oh...okay. I never got that from the flashbacks. I got a lot about her father, the military background, her relationship in Germany, but I think they didn’t touched on her crime from that flashback (however, it could have been elsewhere in the series, but I missed it).

    I just realized we are 4 seasons in and still don’t know why some of them went to prison (Crazy Eyes/Suzanne, esp)? All that to say, I agree that the flashbacks are amazing when done right. The only one I really didn’t “get” was Pousse’s. Like, I got her family background but what did she DO to get there?


    Man, this is why I think the Old Testament called for an eye for an eye justice. I think it was a fail-safe in the event that hell isn’t real. I believe in eye for eye justice as well. You kill someone, you get killed the same way. No exceptions. The only thing I can’t get over is WHO is supposed to dole out eye for

    My mother was also surprised (and probably heartbroken cuz she had a crush) when she learned that George Michael is gay. Lol.

    Exactly. If the studio had written the role for him alone and did not hold auditions, then I’d agree that boycotting him for taking the role would be silly. However, he auditioned for a role he knew good and damn well he had no business trying out for. Also, the studio heads and casting director do bear blame but they

    Not that I had ever really sought out movies by Joseph Fiennes but I will most certainly boycott everything he does from here on out. He is dead to me.

    Lol, yes. I use hand lotion on my face. Just a small layer when I get out of shower.

    The lotion thing is something that I honestly thought all folks did until I went to college. My roommate was going on and on about how I shouldn’t use lotion on my face because it was clog my pores. She then went on to say that she never used lotion on her face, just moisturizer or nothing. I definitely did not take

    If you’ve been at the same job for 7-8 years, why would you make the statement that you can’t keep moving because you don’t like your life? Unless this company has branches that are all over the country and you moved every year to a new branch, I am failing to see how making a bold move is a bad thing after 7+ years

    His relationship with AR ended kinda badly but they have seemed to put differences aside and formed some sort of agreement to be civil. And honestly, him not doing that whole “this kid may not be mine” shit when they split made me really believe he could be a gentleman. So I’m not totally surprised he didn’t flame

    I honestly think she does it because she KNOWS how he feels about it. Not necessarily because she feels that way. Is it right? No. But, who hasn’t hit an ex below the belt when dragged? (And consistently IN PUBLIC?)

    I can’t watch this unless I head to ATL and watch it there from the safety of my friends and family. And by safety, I mean being able to talk about it around folks who already “get it” and not having to go with a Meetup group as the only black/brown person who then has to suffer though questions and statements that

    No. Lol. I respect your opinion but no. He’s proven that he does have a violent streak anyway so it’s not far fetched that he hauled off and kicked her *ss that night.

    From the little I’ve read today (along with the stuff I already read), I’m 100% in agreement with your take on this.

    Thank you. I will search as well.