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    I am also going to cry ugly tears. Partly because he’s leaving. Partly because the current crop of replacements (and general direction of the country) has me plotting my exit strategy to another country.

    What’s crazy to me she was close to her brother and cousin (Darien and Dame Dash respectively) before this. She’s reported they don’t speak to her as much now that she’s doing this whole Fox News thing. Her family sounds like they are nutty because Dame Dash went on a publicity tour as recently as last year talking

    I sort of get the sense that she was raised without whichever one of her parents was black because she seems to have ZERO clue about racial issues. It’s one thing to intelligently articulate why you don’t support black history month (I don’t either. Black history is American history and should be taught inclusive of

    She did this weird press tour (maybe like 4 years ago) where she came out talking about how she always slept with men on the first date and got married within 6 weeks of her first dates. I have NO IDEA why she did this expose tour of sorts, but she did. Then she started showing up to places with Jamie Foxx as if they

    People are killing me with this. I get that the point stands. I’m saying that if this man wanted to rape a woman, what makes you think that he wouldn’t have his own stash of drugs (gotten probably illegally) to knock victims out? That’s just my point.

    Extremely true.


    Nah. Lol. I really liked it when it first aired but after season 2, it descended into not fun chaos and lunacy.

    She met him at 19. She was a dancer for his tour right after he stopped managing Aaliyah. She’s talked about how he was back then and how she figured he’d been with other women toward the end of their relationship but they had such a strong friendship that she didn’t see him being “out there” toward the beginning. She


    Here’s why I don’t believe it. Because when they first got together, NEITHER of them were mega stars. It doesn’t make sense to beard up when they did because neither of them knew if that made sense per their career trajectory at the time. So, I’m not buying that.

    R Kelly is a delusional scumbag. He is a child molester, and he doesn’t see his kids because he does not want to (according to his ex-wife Andrea per her Hollywood Exes scenes). She had to fight with him to support them financially and was always fighting him to actually BE THERE to support their kids with monumental

    I would watch the shit out of some Filipino ladies. Lol

    I used to love ATL Housewives. Seasons 2-whichever one where Kim found Kroy were the best ones. Once they put Marlo on there and then swapped out for Kenya it was curtains. Haven’t watched since the Marlo season. The reason I don’t watch is because they are so mean to each other. It’s not a fun mean either. It’s a

    If they want to remain with a black cast, they need to stay south. Black people in the DC area are MEAN. AS. HELL. Hence the tone of the show so far.

    I believe you. It was some of the most abject poverty I have ever seen up close. People who were dirty from not washing for days, kids who only ate at school, people whose only source of meat was what they hunted. It was like stepping back into the 1800s because some of these folks were in extreme survival mode.


    Real talk, Appalachia is poverty on another level. It’s, for a lack of better term, otherworldly. I had a friend in college who was from West Virginia and I went home to her family reunion with a few of our other friends. The level of poverty was eye opening to say the least.

    It’s mostly just taking prenatals, eating whole foods, working out 5-6 times a week and keeping my alcohol intake low. So...I guess living well. Lol. Not sure how well that will help. But, both my grandmothers had kids into their late 30's (38 and 39 respectively) and had no issues. I’m hoping that lends my way.

    I just said the same thing above. What is really that serious within these groups that tax dollars are going into?