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    What’s more is what is the actual point of infiltrating these groups. They are not racist groups like the Neo Nazis or the KKK. They are not ISIS sympathizers. They are literally activists rallying for less racism, trade unionists rallying for better working conditions and the like. What is the “in” here that police

    That’s cool to think that. I just think that as far as facial symmetry goes, she doesn’t qualify. However, I won’t knock your opinion. I just think it’s a reach considering she gets a lot of (undeserved) shit for her looks in the mainstream media. She’s perfectly fine looking. Just not beautiful at all to me and many

    I don’t mind her. I just think the claims that she’s beautiful are over the top to compensate for how people constantly dog her looks.

    I know y’all love to say it, but she is not beautiful. Nothing is wrong with her looks, but we don’t have to overcompensate by saying something that’s way on the other end of the spectrum. She is not ugly. She is not beautiful. Both options are fine as there are many, many women who are not ugly and not beautiful.

    I have moved multiple times cross country. Once when I didn’t have a permanent job lined up, the other when I did. My job picked up some of the tab for the move as well. I was able to pack my stuff up and have it shipped from OH to GA for about $800, which my company paid for. I drove down so I didn’t have to ship my

    I just watched The Red Road and it was interesting as hell. Also, Jason Momoa (and Lisa Bonet) are in it so #bonus. It is intense though. Entertaining, but action packed.

    Not a single parent. But, both of my sisters started off as single parents in relationships that were not healthy. They both left, are both married to amazing men who raise their step kids as bio kids, and they are both happy. And both of them have a good relationship with their exes on the other side. So, if you go

    Disconnect from anything that causes high stress at this time. Some stuff cannot be helped (like work) but other things can be (like posting online). Not saying completely stop doing those things, just assess times that make sense to do things that may cause your emotional balance to tip negatively. Also, work out.

    Eppa Sangria. Yesterday I bought two bottles of wine that was on sale at the grocery store. I gave one away as a gift. I thought, “this might be a good deal.” Anyhow, I have stemless wine glasses and last night I had two of them with the wine I bought on sale. Filled less than half way. Didn’t even finish the second

    My sisters had kids at 18 and 19 respectively. I’m 35 and planning for the next two years. They have continued having kids so they have the benefit of age comparison on this topic. They both say it was exhausting earlier because they were both single mothers worried about everything. Both are now in stable marriages

    This is a serious thing. I am from a small town. Other than liquor stores, Rent-A-Centers, Dollar General and huge national chains (Chipotle, Starbucks) in the outlying areas by the highway, when something like wal-mart closes, nothing else fills the gap. At all. There used to be things like Phar-mor and local

    She was the absolute worst. It was ironic that there were two half black, half Italian girls on the show at the same time. That always stuck out to me because where I’m from, it’s a common mix.

    She was a lunatic. Lol. I forgot all about that.

    Not only that, he could have just done it without alerting anyone. If he was in it for his own nefarious purposes, I don’t know why folks think he would be above board giving her meds as well.

    LOL, that gem is from the New Orleans season.

    She went to rehab and stayed clean. She was on a lot of the challenges and I really enjoyed her growth as a person.

    I see what you’re saying. I think she did come out with something a long time ago that basically said she was not directly involved and cut ties with everyone from the cast so long ago that she didn’t feel okay commenting currently. I could be making that up though (cuz it was on IG a while back and can’t recall

    Yeah. The whole Tonya situation was bizarre as hell.

    David and the song. NO season holds a special place in my heart for that one. Lol

    Miami. I live down here now and I swear that show got the mix of people down here extremely correct. A close second is the first Vegas cast followed by Hawaii. Seattle was the most entertaining and boring at the same time. But, when it was on, it was ON. Lol