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    Maybe. I’m sure it can be done, but HOW is really the biggest issue this site has. I know posting stills of a potential rape in progress as the feature image for a serious post to help catch a rapist is NOT the way. To me, that piece was the most glaring example of how ridiculous this site can be. It’s a feminist site

    I’m not sure why you’re in the grey. This comment is excellent. The thing, for me, is that the site is seeming to move into a more click-bait type model, which will naturally present some issues. She mentioned examples of how more somber pieces have gotten less clicks (67K) versus the posts where people took offense

    I honestly think this “relationship” is the fakest fakery that ever did fake. Do not buy it. At all.

    The thing is, he knows he wrong. So does she. They both just don’t care at this point. They have reconciled that “it is what it is” and have vowed to fight all allegations until the end. I used to give Camille a pass because she sounds like a victim of emotional abuse. But...reading that she was his business manager,

    His wife said she believes the women consented to both the drugs and the sex. From what I know about the case, the drugs were slipped before anything sexual began. Let’s just say some of the women did consent to the drugs (which I don’t believe, but hear me out). Once UNCONSCIOUS they could not legally consent to the

    For real though. Someone above posted a picture to Sofia Loren (sp? if so, I’m sorry) in a wig. Milano’s cut is the exact same as that wig.

    The worst possible outcome of that haircut was that comparison. She needs to get that reshaped asap.

    Honestly, based on everything I know about this family, even IF she had reservations or outright did not want to marry him after finding out, she probably had very little choice as this was a modern-day arranged marriage. My hope that since she has siblings who broke free from this lifestyle that, if she chooses, she

    Clearly I missed that.

    Thank you for that. I read the original story a long time ago and thought it was two women for some reason.

    He spelled Colombia wrong too, but that’s a much more common mistake than Philippines/Philippians. I can’t with him...

    Um, did no one see the glaring typo in this tweet though? Philippines is not the same as Philippians. One is a country. The other is a book in the bible. He needs a speech writer Asap.

    When I first heard “porn hub scholarship,” I immediately thought it was a scam designed to get barely legal girls to submit homemade porn to the site under the guise of “scholarship.”

    Thank you for the explanation. I was really wondering what the hell that charge was and why I had never heard of it before.

    My cousin works in the entertainment industry and, believe it or not, even many “industry” people are hopeful that she will do well in spite of her contract struggles with her record label.

    I was fully NOT expecting this story to take such a dramatic turn. Good lord people can be crazy. Can you imagine how distressing it would be to find out your boss wanted you dead and HIRED someone to do it? I’m stressed out just thinking about it. Glad Pornhub, of all places, was able to help her with a scholarship

    Yes, societies all over the world devalue people in some fashion. Globally, societies short-change men and especially degrade women. It’s a massive problem that needs to be addressed worldwide, not just in “those” countries.

    Not only that, these men plotted this, which means they thought it over extensively before doing it. Every step of the way, any one of them could have said “no, this isn’t right” but they pressed on. That is a particular level of evil that deserves death. These men secured a vehicle so they could commit the crimes in

    All of them. No exceptions. And this “kid” needs to die the EXACT same way she did. They all do.

    I wanted to chime in and say that most folks in the gym are not judging you (unless you sweat on all over a machine and don’t clean it up, then yes...we judge that). However, I’ve noticed that sometimes people fear working out in front of others because they think people might be secretly snarking on them. I work out