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    Her = singer. Him = Basketball player with the CAVS

    He was on the phone with 911 and they told him to tie it off with something in the meantime while the paramedics were in route.

    I just learned about this pastor and his family and that they have a church down in Miami. I plan to visit. Lol. I have been away from church for a LONG time but I kinda like the son’s style of preaching/teaching.

    Yes to cutting Shonda Rhimes shows earlier and earlier. Although, I am enjoying HTGAWM still as much as I did last year.

    When I sent material on gaslighting to my friend who was living with her abusive husband and she said it was the light bulb moment she needed to get the hell out of here. Left that weekend while he was at work. I was happy but also sad that more people don’t understand that it is, aren’t trained to trust their gut and

    You know, I’m not a fan of hers at all (on a musical or persona level) but this right here is something I respect. In the last year I have left my own emotional abuse relationship and counseled two friends about theirs. One left, the other hasn’t. As well, I have learned that several friend have had experiences

    You dislike her voice because she cannot sing. The end.

    Hilary for the mutha-fucking win. I am >< with you on the extreme hatred of anything by the Weekend (or however the fuck you spell it). Please let him go away for life now. Ugh.

    Um...I don’t know her life. From what you say, she’s not remote enough to have had no options. Cool. Bottom line is 6 months is too far into the pregnancy for a non-medical emergency abortion; whether it’s her fault or the state’s.

    While this may be true, it doesn’t excuse the fact that abortion access in TN overall is lacking. Which may be why most folks on this thread jumped to conclusions about the reason why this woman waited so long. Either way it goes, I still think 6 months is too late for an abortion unless there is some medical

    I 100% recognize that and agree that TN is jacked up for their laws. I just never heard of anyone getting an abortion that late unless there was an extreme situation health-wise, which is why I made the comment.

    See, 6 months is too damn far into the pregnancy for an abortion (in my opinion). Only in extreme situations should that be considered. I know that sometimes medical necessity would dictate that a doctor perform an abortion that far into a pregnancy. The sad part is...she probably wanted one from the jump but lived in

    Combined with the way the site has started going full-on click bait for some articles and that article this week with the super graphic pictures of a possible in progress rape, I’ve actually cut down on even visiting the site in general. I’m pretty sure that I’ll be completely gone soon because every time I do check

    Honestly, I might tune in to see the DeBarge daughter. If you are at all interested and haven’t yet, look into the DeBarge Unsung episode. It was on TV One but I think you can find it on YouTube as well. That shit was...crazy. I hope she beat addiction because her family has a very LONG history of it. Sadly.

    It needed to be said. She was one-third of a pioneer and LEGENDARY trio. Respect.

    I kinda think she got a legit make-up artist, dropped the baby fat and might have had some injections (???) maybe. But on her father’s show, she was pretty young-ish so her look hadn’t fully developed yet. I don’t think she’s had surgery though.

    This is the ONLY word I could go with.

    #genetics and #beingbrown help. Trust.

    I wrote out a long reply over it but honestly, why bother? The staff here is determined to erode the community and attract a different type of commenter clearly. So, I’m happy to oblige and just stop coming here. Sadly. I’ll miss the folks here and the great discussions had, but this is out of control, disrespectful

    Agreed. I am really going to miss the place because the change is already happening.