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    Lol, I actually enjoy that dress very much. But I can see how others may not.


    That doesn’t mean he can’t like someone else though. And, Charlie Sheen seems like a lunatic so I can’t imagine why anyone would WANT to be near him, regardless of his HIV status.

    I broke up with an abusive guy last year and I can tell you that the first few weeks suck. However, a year out, I’m in a great HEALTHY relationship, doing fine and loving life. Hang on. It gets better.

    Yes! Finally FL excels at something. I smiled extra hard in my license pic because in CA I had such a hard time just getting my license that I wanted to cuss everyone out after my 2 DAY attempt to renew/convert my license.

    Lol, I’m sorry but they are relatively the same to me. Hence why I mixed it up.

    There are some companies that have that language here in the US. I think they get away with it because they are a private entity...and because they aren’t challenged on it.

    Honestly, the best one is STILL Alanis Morrissette’s “You Oughta Know.” It’s everything I ever wanted to say (and probably did in a series of drunk texts) to an ex of mine. That was a long time ago and I’m in a great relationship now but I still rock out to that like no one’s business.

    There was another review that was equally funny. I hate pumpkin pie and even I am thinking of getting some.

    I 100% agree with this assessment. It is not either/or.

    There are many explanations to this. Maybe she didn’t live in the same place each time so people only knew about one or two pregnancies at a time. Also, she may not have many close friends or family members to account to. Also, she may have explained away the murders as stillborns depending on when she killed the

    I understand that. And plenty of teenage singers had that dilemma. Some handled it well, others did not. The biggest issue to me regarding Miley is that her transition doesn’t seem organic. It doesn’t seem real. Whereas Rihanna’s did. Both could be crafted to high heaven but only one seems that way (to me).

    Exactly. I said the same thing when Karrueche did some spread for a magazine a few years back. Whoever dressed her had her looking like a 12 y/o police find in the raids of massage parlors. And I think she’s gorgeous. Some folks should stay way from that arena unless whoever they are working with is conscious of the

    Oh yeah. I don’t think she’s a bad person. I still contend that she’s just young. However, she’s really not doing anything other than garnering attention for attention’s sake and I’m not here for it.

    And, as much as folks may think otherwise, Rihanna had a suitable transition in her image. She came out and it was more pop-y, feel-good music that was age appropriate with some edge. Her musical image didn’t start to take shape until the Umbrella album (don’t remember the name) and then that infamous DV situation.

    Honestly, I have always thought her sexy pics were disturbing because she looks so young still. She can’t help her slim body and the youthful look of her face so that’s not something I’m downing or talking against. It’s the fact that whoever is taking her pics is making her look intentionally exploited, like a sex

    I used to say stuff like “well, Miley’s young and has press in her face all the time. This is just what it’s like to be young. She’ll look back and laugh at some of the stuff she’s done for attention...blah, blah, blah.” HOWEVER, I now think she is the epitome of “trying too hard”. I don’t get her aim and what her

    LMAO. How did an article that had ZERO to do with Jacobs still end up with a replay from the mother of all fashion conspiracies?

    Yeah, I don’t understand that either. They knew Holms was a boxer first so not incorporating any “on you feet” defense made zero sense. I guess Rousey thought she would make Holms fight the type of fight she’s used to but, clearly, that didn’t work.

    This is true. As a more trained boxers start to come into the sport, it would make sense for folks who are MMA trained to begin picking up at least the basics of boxing and defense. I think that type of basic training (no pun intended) would have made a lot of difference for Rousey and that fight last night.