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    No, because UFC is not like boxing. When a boxer is knocked down, rules are hands-off until the person gets back up. If they don’t, then the fight is called. However in the UFC, the object is to literally beat the shit out of someone and not allow them the chance to return the favor. So Holmes going in after the kick

    If anything, it will re-ignite the “is boxing better than MMA” debate that people with no physical skill whatsoever seem to throw around when something like this happens. Personally, I think technical boxing skill always beats straight MMA style fighting, but that’s because boxing requires a person to mount an upright

    I really thought it had some potential. It was an interesting storyline. It’s biggest downfall was being on ABC. Shows that dark usually do better on FX or cable.

    I just said the same thing.

    This may not help, but if he’s recently changed drastically you may want to consider health issues as the reason. He could have early dementia or something of that nature. Not that people who think that way are mentally deranged, but the red flag is that you say that he wasn’t always like that and allude to the

    Yes, yes and more yes. The removal process is awful. I won’t get them anymore because of that.

    And kids. When I see a confused toddler or child, the first thing I do is look around to see if anyone is paying attention to them from afar. If not, then I go ahead and find someone (usually security or a clerk) in the store or wherever I am to assist me in finding the kid’s parent or guardian. I cannot tell you how

    I do because I value respect and if my friend disrespected my SO then they don’t respect me either. So no, I wouldn’t continue the friendship on my own accord.


    I trust my dude. I KNOW there are some women who would go all the way there if he gave any leeway in that direction. However, he’s respectful and trustworthy so I don’t worry about it. Overall though, I think it’s better not to nurture those friendships because cheating doesn’t happen in an “all of a sudden” type way.

    This is extremely important. There are some folks who just cannot be trusted with your SO because they are waiting for you to fuck up so they can shoot their shot. Hell-to-the-no on that noise.

    You’re coming from a very tactical, trained and long-range perspective. Nothing wrong with that. However, nothing wrong with the very emotional responses that most of the black students (and others) had to the threat in the moment. I see both as appropriate.


    Um...it runs deeper than that. The over-arching issue is that the type of white folks who do this are the ones who deny racism is a pervasive issue, enjoy elements of black culture, but despise black people in general. This is where the problem lies, which is why I said that “on it’s head, it’s not necessarily

    On it’s head, I agree. It’s not necessarily racist. HOWEVER, given the origins of blackface, I think white (or other lighter skinned folks) need to just give it up. It’s never not going to be offense as a whole.

    I’m glad you have the support you need to make any changes necessary to help all students feel good about coming to campus. That’s what should happen in the real world when folks have safety concerns.

    We have many stories. Lol. Most revolve around stumbling upon my uncles (plural) long lost children whom they cannot possibly deny because our family has a distinct look. Good times.

    The cameo of Samuel L Jackson and The Rock in The Other Guys was the best use of a cameo ever. Lol. I truly hollered when they met their demise.

    I only clicked because I hoped there would be info about Jada and Will. I’m sick to death of K related shit.

    A friend of a friend (who is a psychiatrist) says she believes Carson has mental issues. And not in a “religious nut” type way but that he’s actually having some sort of mental break consistent with a personality disorder (mainly narcissistic personality disorder). She went on to name the reasons why and the lies were