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    Honestly, I think that the panel is always super aware that women come in all sizes and shapes. Heidi especially. She and Tim GO.TO.BAT when the designers act a fool during this challenge. Most of the designers are cool or at least if they are somewhat apprehensive they keep that to themselves. However, there is

    I think that is definitely the case that someone else alters to make it “commercial.” But as a designer, you still have the SKILL to adjust based on measurements (or you should have the skill to). Most of them seemed to be so thrown that adjusting was required last night, which is so odd to me.

    She was ridiculous, make no mistake. But had he have been professional in addressing her, he could have gotten that out of her and designed accordingly. He was just like, “I’m doing me” YOLO. Lol. Not a good look.

    When I said I was shocked at Ashley, I meant I was shocked at what she produced for her client seeing as that’s who she designs for, body-wise. From what I saw, her behavior toward her client was good and they had a decent rapport.

    No but that sounds amazing. I will check it out.

    And that was crazy. The thing is, Ashley designs for this woman specifically and her creations are what got her on the show. So, not wanting to play it safe was, to me, her biggest issue last night.

    Wrap dresses are magical! Love them.

    I remember this well. SMH

    Oh I understand that perfectly. There are some girls who need this for reasons that are truly awful and their parents either don’t protect them, don’t know (sadly) or are the perpetrators of :(

    I saw this last night and I remarked on Twitter how it’s extremely ridiculous that DESIGNERS cannot measure, cut, sew and adjust for everyday body types. If they have a line, WhoTF do they think will consume most of their stuff? In a perfect world, it’d be their ideal client, but we all know we don’t live in a perfect

    At that age, yes. Actually at any age below 18 where you live in my house, I’d like to know. Not so I can chastise, but so I can support. I’d like to think the relationship I build with my future child would be strong enough to support her coming to me with this.

    Agreed. I understand the nuances of finding out awful stuff about people you’re close to. It’s...not fun :(

    He knows him PERSONALLY. As much as I’d like to think I wouldn’t give a fuck about a serial rapist had I found out someone close to me was capable of that shit, I’d still feel like, “damn...that sucks” for ALL involved. I get what y’all are saying but it’s not like he said “I still support this man and it sucks what

    Is that shit not true though? When people think about that show now, it has lost a certain luster because of the recent developments exposing Cosby as a rapist. So yeah, him mentioning that isn’t something worthy of “oh screw you” because it tarnishes a work that I’m sure he’s very proud to be a part of. Not sure why

    If that’s the case, then yeah. If it’s all about the kids and he’s offering that as a way to lessen her time away from them, then I’m not understanding how this all came about. I’m not well-versed on this so what you have written is not something I’ve even heard about. (until now)

    I’m not disagreeing. Just saying it’s possible to be a good parent to your kids and still a be a shitty person overall. Many folks are, sadly. And many others are great in public and shitty at home. That duality can and does exist.

    To be honest with you, that’s my takeaway as well. They seem like they genuinely love their kids. HOWEVER, neither is willing to do what’s necessary to make anything work at this point. And that’s especially sad for the kids.

    My dad and his foreign wife are going through some immigration stuff and I have to say that this is pretty accurate. They can deny without citing cause and unless and until you actually leave the country and then try to come back, you could have a flagged passport and NEVER know. It’s not like anyone is going to tell

    That’s fair. Just saying that there’s a lot going on here and it could go either way (I lean towards assault/coercion too though).

    See...I don’t know. You can be a great parent to your kids, but a TERRIBLE spouse. In turn, you can make decisions designed to hurt that person while remaining a good parent to your kids. Sadly, people are capable of both. I certainly think it’s not in the best interest of their kids for him to immediately play