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    Okay. This man has to know that some of the women he mentioned were offered his job and for whatever reason, they turned it down. Sure he could have mentioned that but he didn’t. My point is that it’s not as if there haven’t been strides and that women haven’t been offered positions for the late shows. At current, the

    I don’t agree, but I didn’t read the Matt Damon article.

    I honestly don’t find him problematic. Sure, compared to John Stewart, a seasoned vet, he has a ways to go but folks are just acting out to do it (from where I sit).

    This dude’s argument wasn’t offensive or “mansplaining” in the least. Like...really?

    He brought it up because that question was insulting to begin with. When you have women like he mentioned topping the Hollywood box office, it’s dismissive of the INTERVIEWER to focus in on that. It’s not as if late night comedy shows are the only place that women should be and they should be hired to equalize

    I’m noticing that Jezebel is trying to make Trevor Noah the next person to “hate” and I’m not into it. Dude didn’t say there was equal rights in Hollywood. He acknowledged that women comedians are getting shit done right now. He addressed that in HIS interview. A space where he could have talked about anything else,

    So did I. Whatever stylists is handling her really, really, really needs to be fired because at the end of the day, Rita Ora is not recognizable from a crowd. At all.

    Questions that need answers.

    Honestly, I wish they had asked Leah Remini. Yes, I know she’s not a comic but she would have been good anyway.

    Her music is awesome and that voice is fire. I don’t think this is a case of her being too egotistical. I’m not sure what the hell is the reason for the 180 on the image stuff. But she definitely isn’t her own biggest fan.

    He’s really unattractive. Like, seriously so. I hope they aren’t dating cuz based on what the OP said about his personality and pictures I’ve seen of him, she could do so much better.

    Oh, I agree. In retrospect, it was dumb that we thought there was a lot of threat to COLUMBUS Ohio. Like...wtf is even there? Lol

    I was in Columbus and people thought the same. I remember going to Olive Garden that day because me and my friend figured no one would EVER hit that place. Lol. In all seriousness, we were kinda scared and sad and just wanted some glorious breadsticks.

    So was I.

    Yes and counseling/therapy for life issues as well. Let me be clear. No “victim blaming” here. When I say “life issues” stuff that a trained therapist can help sort out. Using myself as an example. I dated a pretty abusive asshole for years. After I left the situation I found a therapist who could help me learn to set

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say they BOTH need some help. Clearly Newland needs more help than the victim but this entire scenario is bizarre from both angles. Newland is super disturbed because she really played this out and then probably leveraged her friendship with the victim to further manipulate the

    I was coming here to say the same thing. But is it GOOD? There’s enough bad tv that I’m not adding to my roster already. Not going to suffer through something because there are black characters.

    I actually kinda liked it. Not sure if it was Oscar-worthy but definitely not bad. However, there isn’t much I’ve seen her in that is stellar. Her looks are AMAZING which is why she was cast so much.

    If they don’t pay for the extra pack, just pay for it out of your own budget. If the actual price is steep (my Generess was $100 a month, no generic, and that was WITH insurance) then look into using a prescription discount card. With that my script went from $100/month to around $13. Seriously. We have a lot of great

    I don’t have children and really only do this like once a year at pool parties or something. I water bottle is cool too use but I always tell folks what’s in it. Mostly because it’s meant to be shared.