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    She was. Baker is everything! However, Grace Jones was the first dark skinned black woman that I remember being celebrated as much as her lighter counterparts. Her skin was very much not “in” back then and I love that she didn’t care and rocked her natural beauty and won favor because of it.

    Usually I don’t comment on stuff like this but today I will. What the fuck makes you think I would be able to relate to black icons of the past? The women you mentioned are all great in their own right. TO ME, Jones was iconic back then because I was a kid and she was this dark skinned black model on the scene doing

    I disagree but I see your point.

    I immediately thought Mariah as well.

    Um, I’m old enough to remember her “then” so I don’t need to make new icons. I can claim her. But my point still stands. Maybe it’s just that she is very honest in a sea full of BS that makes her timeless, but I wish she was around MORE now.

    I believe if they asked, she would answer. She strikes me as very “upfront” about everything she does.

    I honestly think Rihanna is refreshing because she doesn’t seem to give a fuck, very much like GJ. I think she is as “free” as a crafted pop star can be though.

    I really want to know so much more about her. She was the first dark-skinned woman who was really just out there, loving the skin she was in a sexy way, and not giving a fuck how ANYONE felt about it. That was huge back then and still. I feel like she was meant for NOW and not an icon for the past, you know?

    This face is GLORIOUS and was my exact response to that shit. It’s all good to like overweight folks. It’s all good that that is this woman’s attraction. Get. It. But, miss me with that “I classify myself as fat....even though I’m not” BS. Like...no. It’s such a stupid thing to say and I honestly didn’t read the rest

    Co-sign. Someone I grew up with works for the news station and says he’s not nice...at all.

    From my understanding, yes they are.

    OR...it’s a common trick done by everyday regular people who don’t want to pay for alcohol when they are out at an event, say...an outdoor concert :)

    It’s not meaningless for the person who grants it usually. Many people make the mistake thinking that forgiveness is the gift that is given the person or persons who wronged you. It’s not. It’s something you can do to move along with your life is a more peaceful way. You can totally do it and be fine. You can totally

    I meet either really great people or really shitty people from Meetup. Never in between.

    She is hilarious. Died at “shitty base coat”. Lol

    That is the worst. I hate work snitches. It’s one thing if someone is stealing from the company and you know. Then, yes, tell. But, they think so-and-so looks like Spongebob and isn’t good at their job? WHO needs to know that exactly? What good does it do to tell? Cannot stand folks who do that.

    I so agree. I’m always like “can someone friend me already???” I’m a good catch. Lol.

    I used to be a union organizer so I definitely understand what you mean.

    This is hella accurate.

    Do you normally talk to her already? If so, then asking her to lunch would be cool and an extension of an already set up communication. If not, then you’d need to start just a regular conversation about her weekend, etc, etc, etc.