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    There is a difference between “I was on the pill” and “I did in-vitro behind my partner’s back with the expectation that she’d be cool with it later.”

    I haven’t said much about this entire controversy because I really don’t know what to say. It does not surprise me that a scene in a biopic where the producer (of both the music and the movie) beat the shit out of someone would not make cut. It doesn’t surprise me that he hit women. It doesn’t surprise me that his

    I honestly do not understand this entire situation. They broke up, got married, simultaneously broke up and conceived twins. I hope Griner can prove that she was taken advantage of (if that is indeed the case, who knows) because I have a very strong feeling that AZ will slap child support on her for sure otherwise.

    Marriage equality?

    Yeah. I agree that it can have more than one meaning. But, I don’t like that the entire piece tries to claim it as original to this particular set of folks. That term has been around forever and probably changed meanings as it’s cycled through various communities. But, again...it wasn’t coined in the Upper East Side

    And no, it’s not true. I don’t control who choose to approach me. I do control who I choose to entertain though. Those are two ENTIRELY different things though.

    If it’s all on the woman’s head, then my choice to say “fuck it” and stop even speaking to guys I wouldn’t consider dating has been validated. Thanks.

    Honestly though, I’m not sure. I think the media coverage of all of this might make SOMEONE close to her have a revelation that maybe this man is not the one for her. And even biblically she can divorce him for being unfaithful. He can ask for forgiveness but he can STILL choose to walk because of his actions. Unless

    I’m with you. When he released that piece of shit book “Think like a man,” I was over it for a few reasons. The main one was that he honestly believed that he was providing some insight to women when all he was doing was saying a) some common sense shit that anyone with a caring parent (male or female) would have told

    I had an ugly dude try to proposition me on POF. I said I was not interested in that but good luck his search. Remainder of the convo went this way:

    His first book was basically a collection of “women, your actions control the type of man who approaches you. If you stop fucking everything moving, you’d married by now” musings. It was a crock of shit and an insult to both men and women but alas. People ate that shit up. So yeah, I concur that he’s dangerous at

    You know who thinks men and women are so different that we can’t have healthy, functioning relationships? Douchebags. MEN, on the other hand, don’t think this way. I have known a lot of men in my day and a lot of douchebags and the thing that separates them is a general ability to look INWARD to address any lack in

    Wait, what murder thing? *Goes off to Google now

    Lol. Jojo makes me smile because I remember back when her song “Get Out” was big, the ONLY thing my cousin wanted for Christmas was the Jojo CD. She got it and about had a heart attack over it. And she was a bit too old for that reaction as I recall (like late teens, maybe 20). Lol

    Agreed. For me to find someone unattractive it’s usually more than their look that doesn’t do it for me.

    I used to work with prisoners and, as a result, I have been inside a few facilities to interview staff and inmates. I can assure you that it’s not a myth.

    I know it’s frowned upon to say it but... He is an extremely unattractive man (to me). Offensively so, in fact. So I def agree.

    I mean, this is one of the better pics I’ve seen so I can see why you’d say that. However, he usually looks very...seasoned, in other pics. Either that or “partied” so that’s aging him a bit.

    Yep. Was born in 1991. It also had Sam Smith’s age and he’s only 23. I would have given him a smooth 33. Not sure what’s going on across the pond but something is in the water. These two plus Adele (who I love) are all in their early/mid 20s and I would have never guessed it.