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    And suggest a stylist for him.

    True, but if they are like SEIU (which I don’t know if they are so this could be entirely moot) you only pay a percentage of your salary (less than 2%) for dues. When I organized, if you were not actively working, you were able to freeze the dues and not accrue any “back dues” (for lack of better words). Is that not

    I mean, I think folks do talk about it. I was just wondering if this was being made more of a deal than necessary. You raise a legitimate concern.

    Fair. I was really wondering how everyday folks would feel about learning something like this so thanks for answering.

    Also wondered this as well. Who is signing up for anything with a work email? Unless you’re trying to get a new free trial of Hulu, don’t use your work email for ANYTHING. Lol.

    You’re right. I didn’t even think about the political folks who love to come for birth control, abortion, etc. I was thinking more so about the everyday person who is married and living a relatively normal life.

    Okay, I heard about this earlier today and I have a few sincere questions.

    Agreed. Which is why I think they either call them or someone in the town does.

    I’m sure there are if you call them to come. Lol

    Lol, I’m sure the paps follow them and take pics. Not that I enjoy them at all but I’d suspect the tabloids still pay well for their pics. However, I’m sure they are not above calling the paps for continued publicity.

    I didn’t click the link in the article, but media takeout it one of the least credible sources of anything. Take that for what it’s worth.

    I am irrationally happy about this.

    Correct. She’ll be 34 in a bit. I’m 35 and remembered her not being too off from my age. (same as Beyonce, who Wiki says will be 34 soon as well).

    The thing is...they usually aren’t being themselves. They are conforming to a ridiculous ideal of beauty, class, social norms and other things. Sure, this is who they might have been all along. But, as I remember, a lot of women I went to school with (huge D-1 school with a large football machine team to boot)

    She’s 35. But other than that, yeah. Yes to your entire comment.

    Yeah. I was coming down here to see if anyone was gonna mention that. She looks fantastic and I’m sure this is meant to be silly. But, the cut of it makes the bottom half of her body look almost deformed.

    Yeah. I’m 35 and look 25 easily. My dad is 56 and looks 35. It’s crazy. My aunt and uncles on my dad’s side of the family don’t look like they are older than 35 or 40. My grandparents who are in their late 70s/early 80s just started to look “old”. It’s not exactly fair but some people will have good skin and look

    THANK YOU. It’s hard enough on a fully developed woman to carry a kid to term. It is not something that 10 years old are emotionally or PHYSICALLY equipped to do. Fuck him.

    Right. Had she have just ragged on her height, then I would be over the critique as I believe WW is naturally mean. But, let’s be honest. AG’s image plays right into the Lolita narrative and I honestly feel like it’s harmful overall. She’s clearly talented and I wish she would rest more on that than this whole “I’m a

    You’re not responsible but many, many, many union workers do NOT get involved in making the process of removing shitty workers easier. And many, many, many union officials don’t care much to make the change either. If that fund were held liable for payouts over misconduct, I promise it wouldn’t take long for both