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    She is my inspiration. I know around these parts folks are all “ugh, people who work out” but fuck that. I’m vain and I give a shit about staying in shape. This lady gives me all types of motivation. I used to do bootcamp and now, yes, I do crossfit. Eventually I’ll get tired of it and do something else. No matter

    Not Italian but where I’m from there are a lot of Italian people. Lol. Maybe it rubbed off.

    Okay...I read the article and was ready to read some really nice comments but goddamn. WTF is wrong with some of you?

    I’m talking about ANYTHING. Cults. Religion (to an extent, mostly talking about the fanatical type, not your everyday church), shitty relationships. Whatever your “thing” that is holding you back, get out.

    Those multi-level marketing things piss me off. I am so there and have been for about the last decade, thank goodness. I’ll do the occasional passion party because those are hilarious but other than that, fuck you MLM person. Leave me alone.

    I am the opposite. I am over pretending that when I go out, I don’t want to party like I did when I was 20 because I do. If I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it right. No shame. But...that’s why I don’t go out often.


    I agree wholeheartedly with your last statement, which is why I think more attention (in pretty much the forms we are given to work with, i.e. this film) to call out people who use the terminology. I’m realistic. I know people think/believe a certain way about a great many things, women and feminism included. What I

    I’m about to get killed for this comment...RIP

    You have to get out because otherwise you will be consumed. Period. I don’t begrudge anyone who leaves and doesn’t look back. It’s not easy to leave what you know. It’s harder still to get others who have accepted the status quo to change their tune. This goes for anyone in any family, neighborhood, church, etc were

    Let me tell you that I was truly TERRIFIED at the fact that it was not, in fact, the devil and it was two totally normal-seeming people who actually set the whole thing up. I didn’t end up figuring it out so it kinda freaked me out thinking it was this other-worldly thing happening but once the reveal came, I was

    Lamar Odom is going to end up dead soon if he doesn’t get help. As I understand, they are still legally married but that is only because she couldn’t find him to sign the papers or he is refusing to do so. That being said, I really hope he can get some help or that Khloe can finally gain her divorce from him :(

    I actually enjoy it. #yesImaLunatic

    I understand that and agree. I guess my statement was more about perspective and not necessarily meant to invalidate one person’s experience over another.


    Yes! That would have been ideal anyway. #AshantiSucks

    Nah. I disagree. By the time Ciara was trying to get on the scene Aaliyah would have been doing so many other things (movies especially) that CeCe could have still been able to do the same thing and it not have been a big deal. The thing is, it would have been a SERIOUS shadow for CeCe with Aaliyah still alive. More

    I respect what you’re saying and your experiences. I read her statement as when you’re pretty you do get a LOT of unwanted attention and a lot faster, sadly. I didn’t take it to mean it was exclusive to pretty people but her emphasis on being hit on as a child is what really struck me. Unless you have some good

    I 100% agree with this. When the women are making faces like they are studying hard for an exam, I peace out that joint.

    That person is being willfully obtuse.