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    Here’s what I’ll say on that. Not sure what her actual job is at this point or if she is doing sex work. But...I believe she really, really wants to be comfortable in her own skin more than she actually is. I think her childhood and upbringing are still hanging over her in ways that might be obvious to an observer but

    I can see that but she addressed it. She said she doesn’t identify with it and neither do the people in her professional life. She addressed hip hop as a subculture (and she’s extremely right about that) that has not defined her. Once that was established, the interviewer should have dropped it entirely.

    Yeah. No. He’s the opening act and unless there is some way to kick him off the tour due to breach of contract, she’s smart to ride it out. Also, maybe I’m in the minority here, but I think her defending her stance on anything related to him or his poor choice of words is a bad move as well. She’s not his fucking mom.

    Man, my last non-profit job offered 5 weeks of vacation, unlimited sick leave and a super generous maternity/paternity leave policy. If I’m not mistaken it was 4 months paid. And you could bring your kid to work initially. Our founder had a baby and would routinely bring her while she was breastfeeding. Of course, it

    Shit, Costco is already a pretty decent place to work. They pay well, I’ve never heard anyone complain about their benefits . In fact, from what I understand they have pretty generous benefits including affordable healthcare for PT workers and decent leave policies. I’d be surprised if they aren’t already an industry

    I don’t know. That’s pretty ample for flaccid.

    I get that too. He’s not just racist. He legitimately has NO insight into his actions, the fallout of said actions and why he SHOULD analyze what happened, even if it is for his sake.

    For some reason, I can believe (without having read the story even) that Halle and Olivier are not doing well in their marriage. They both seem to have some issues relating to others in a romantic situation. No, I don’t know either of them. Just a vibe I get. Lol.

    Despite what people say, most don’t want, like, or appreciate honesty. So that’s not something that has anything to do with you personally. I hope everything else gets better for you and maybe try a non-profit counseling center if you don’t have enough money to get a proper therapist. Also, there are some programs

    She sounds like a nut job

    A diss track is straight up telling you “you suck.” There is no hint. There are no bones made about it. It’s as “in your face” as you can get without being in someone’s face roasting the shit of of them.

    If you have worked together long enough then you must know when folks “usually” go to the bathroom. When I worked in an office my coworker would hit us up via gchat to tell us that if we needed to hit the stalls, it was best to do so before she got in there. Some might say TMI, but I said “thanks.”

    Contempt is a muthafucker for sure. I had it for my ex and I’m certain he had it for me. I took me a long time of putting up with his shit to develop it, but when I did, I QUICKLY got rid of him. For his part, he hates women in general and has major contempt for “females”, successful men, white people, black people,

    I like these type of people. Mostly because they are genuine. I know in show business there’s this perception that everyone is fake to some degree. I get that. This lady literally has fake boobs the size of Texas. But, she still comes off genuine as hell. I enjoy that about any person, whether I vibe with them or not.

    Man, for as much of an ass Joe Budden seems to be in his everyday life, due can rap his ass off and is best when he’s talking about his struggles with sobriety, mental health and relationships. I don’t think Meek should come for him unless sent for cuz....yeah. #curtainsforhiscareer

    I don’t care what anyone says. That nose job is amazing. I know people should love what they have (and really, I think you should do whatever the hell you want surgery-wise) but sometimes the doctors get it so much better than the Creator.

    I see this struck a nerve. Sorry

    It still works to be somewhat of an asshole (if not outright bully) as an adult. If my workplaces have taught me nothing else, it’s that bullies definitely hold some sort of power over people and generally get their way in many cases. I think the only thing time does for bullies is give them the opportunity to tone

    I saw a short blurb about this on another site and didn’t click the link then. So all day I’ve thought this woman was talking about women in entertainment media reclaiming their ACTUAL voices and not putting on that “baby voice” front for the cameras. I mean, her actual message is a good message too, no doubt. But, as

    Let me disabuse you of the notion that women don’t get angry enough to hurt people or understand the feeling of wanting to fight. When I read this comment I thought to myself, “if he were standing in front of me right now, I would punch him in the face for this comment.” I then envisioned what it would be like to