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    The entire system, police system, “justice system”, prison system...deal with it long enough and it changes people. I understand your sentiment. Just saying all of it needs to be reformed.

    That is exactly why I asked that question. I have a BA in Women’s Studies from a big midwestern college and that does not qualify me to speak on sex work from a perspective of an expert. At all.

    Lol, it’s this weird thing I have a fixation with. I has more to do with me and less to do with men’s actual shoulders. As a person with an athletic build, I only find guys with weirdly square shoulders attractive (there are other criteria, of course, but that feature is almost a deal breaker for me).

    Please tell me this is sarcasm. Lol

    He does. He’s functional to a point but he needs a mental health intervention like yesterday.

    Probably a figure of speech. However, it’s best that this particular figure of speech is taken a bit more seriously than saying someone is as “cute as a button,” or some other crap.

    Right. There is NOTHING about that man that is attractive. NOTHING. If you like money and that shit motivates your vagina to do sex things, I get it. But, he has round shoulders like a woman, a dad-bod, a punchable face and looks like he’d brag about his sex game and severely under-deliver.

    In reference to the Shia post, as a naturally aggressive person who has had to train myself not to respond the way I feel innately, I can understand how it might feel like a person is pushing you out of your comfort zone into another realm. HOWEVER, it’s not a good idea to talk about killing folks and domestic

    Lol, thank you.

    So this is on topic, but off. I was talking to my bf today and he was commenting on how he views all of this police brutality and race stuff. He’s Jamaican, born and raised in the US. Currently he’s overseas as a contractor. He was saying that he thinks the rise of this stuff being publicized is to start a race war. I

    Our instinct is to survive so, while I don’t love her/his sentiment, I do understand where it comes from. That said, the system needs to change. I could say it’s an individual thing, but I honestly believe the police system and climate changes regular people into monsters given enough time.

    For some reason, Kinja won’t let me click the picture so I can post the image, but I don’t think Candace Cameron (character name Jessie...Steph...Amanda, I can’t remember) is supposed to look at her “uncle Jesse” like that in the Bob Saget tweet.

    Thing is this...I’ve been to those patrol checkpoints coming from Yuma back to San Diego. (don’t ask). The officers literally ask you the dumbest questions ever about livestock and produce, you say no and keep it moving. They might ask you where you were born. Maybe. Might. But, as far as anything else, not really. So

    I’m all for self improvement though. If you can afford it, it makes you happy and you DON’T LIE ABOUT IT (K family is notorious for this), then make it happen.

    I just hollered because that was my face upon seeing those pics. Lol

    They just gave me another person to boycott and another reason to avoid certain articles around here. I’m pissed I clicked on this thinking it was tweet beet.

    It doesn’t hurt to talk about it. That was my initial diagnosis before they changed it to bipolar II disorder (and then changed it again because I magically had no issues once I left my ex...funny how abuse affects your mental health like that). It’s been “downgraded” back to GAD but when medicated, they put me on

    CUT HER OFF NOW! Whatever avenue she has to reel you back in, cut that shit off. Even if it’s a friend, cut them off if they won’t stop relaying messages to you about her. I say this as someone who had to break free from my narcissist ex last year. I had tried and failed twice before. The difference is this time, I

    Hell, if I go I just might live post on the shenanigans. Lol.

    I feel really uneasy about this get-together I’m supposed to attend tonight. For one, I’m not in a socializing mood and I’m cool just chilling at the house tonight. Two, there is this awkward thing happening between an acquaintance of mine and her recent ex. They dated for a while (I think more than 5 years) and she