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    I never said I haven’t been that person. I have. Put like you pointed out, there’s a way to handle it that goes a long way to either build rapport or tear it down.

    Oh, I understand and appreciate your perspective. I just cannot muster any empathy for people who do that sort of thing.

    I know the difference. I struggle to have empathy for some people who purposefully construe a situation to make it all about them. I guess it’s a sense that they are shortsighted towards others so it makes me mad. Maybe I am empathetic but toward people I don’t think are afforded it - like the lady who sent the email,

    Same. Exactly the same. I feel like I have global empathy but lack personal empathy for others (in some situations).

    I understand what you’re saying. I have empathy but not evenly. When I have it, I have it. When I don’t, I really, really don’t. I’ve tried cultivating it in those situations where I don’t have it and I’ve come to the conclusion that I just need to stick to the empathy that I have and do that well. Lol.

    I am well aware that I can choose to be more empathetic. I won’t though. I have selective empathy and there are some groups of people who will never get my support. For example, when I visited one of my clients today, one of his employees was talking about some email she got from another person. She was whining about

    LOL. I could see that. He probably would do really good housework to earn his keep though.

    Most PEOPLE are self-centered. Lol. Actors/actresses, bus drivers, teachers, trash collectors. We all want what we want. Some of us just realize we have to coexist with others so we learn to deal.

    What’s crazy to me is that she’s logical DESPITE being raised in scientology. I’m glad her and her family have moved on from that cult.

    Sigh... If you have someone to watch it with and drink to laugh at all the unintentionally funny parts, go for it. The women in the movie have about five speaking lines combined and none of the men are believable in their roles EXCEPT Eric Stonestreet. So that right there should tell you something. It’s not even

    I have nothing to say but I’m sorry this happened to you and this is one of the reasons I wish Dexter was a real person I could call to aid the world in never having to deal with people like this again.

    Like...I don’t know about this. I don’t know anything about him other than his tv stuff and that movie he did (The Loft. Awful. Do not recommend). But this potential pairing seems...odd.

    Thank you. I boycott the shit out of that network. So glad they moved Project Runway from it a long time ago so I could make the full transition to a righteous boycott.

    Nah. You’re dead on. He’s the on-air version of Perez Hilton’s worst self.

    Exactly. It’s not like she came for him and discussed this topic out of thin air.

    Honestly, he’s not attractive to me either. I do note that he’s ordinarily considered attractive though so that’s why I put it. He’s stepped up his game where his body is concerned though so that wins points I’m sure (you gotta check his IG for th receipts on that one).

    I am excited as hell also.

    Agree. They are two attractive people but they make a horribly unattractive couple, in my opinion.

    I can understand why a father would go after a dude in his daughter’s room having sex with her. My dad would have probably done something similar. But, the difference is I had enough respect NOT to do that type of stuff in my parents house. Ever.

    You’re going to have to come with those misogynistic lyrics from Chuck D. There was a lot wrong with old school hip hop, but I have never in my life heard him speak badly about women at all. Ever. Not saying he never has. Just saying, ‘I need the receipts.’