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    Girl, Farrah is just like her mom. If you watched the original episode with them and then the first season of Teen Mom, her mother is an awful, shame-y, mean-spirited woman with no regard for Farrah at all. I used to feel really badly for her during that first season because it was clear her mother could not stand

    So much yes to this comment.

    Exactly. I get his stance on separating the art from the artists. Some can do it. Some can’t. I can still watch TCS and not feel some type of way about it. However, I cannot hear R Kelly’s music without having a negative reaction because of his pedophilia. You may not feel the same way about all people who do all

    I get what he’s saying. I really do. However, Twitter is NOT the forum for it. He’s intelligent enough that he should know that and still went for it.

    It seemed to me that Michael was the least offensive of them all. She does have an older sister as well who SEEMS relatively normal (she did decide, after all, to not be featured on MTV save for one or two episodes when she finally came home to see the family).

    Yeah. I agree. My cousin was definitely aware that it happened. Lol. My aunt didn’t hot wax her though. Her friend did some sugaring thing.

    My aunt got rid of my cousin’s unibrow at 5. I got nothing. Lol

    From the Term Mom reboot, the audience learned that her father is the one who mostly takes care of her. He lives in Austin a few houses down from Farrah I believe. She really is a terrible human and it’s mostly her parents fault. Smh...

    Thank you. The tone of the headline struck me as ridiculous also. Like, what is his wife supposed to do? Hold the baby in? Smh...

    It could be though. He could be totally non-abusive at home and a monster to other people entirely. It does happen that way. Not saying that this is the case here, but it could be a case of Dr. Jekell, Mr. Hyde.

    That’s the thing. He cheated and used drugs. Even *if* he wasn’t a rapist (which he is), HOW IS THAT OKAY?

    *eye roll*

    We agree to disagree on this one. To me, it’s the same thing as talking to someone physically in the car with you. I drive all the time and have had to travel by car frequently for work so I see how fumbling with a phone is crazy and dangerous. I just don’t see the issue with hands-free talking.

    So I supposed we should all sit in silence until we get to our destinations then? Some people are bad drivers. Some can multitask and talk to people...whether they are in the car physically or not.

    So, my car has this wonderful thing called bluetooth so I can drive and talk safely.

    I am so HERE for that Raven shad-esque situation. Lol. I hollered when I read it and saw the pics of them cracking up over it. As much as I think that’s a not nice thing to do...it’s damn funny.

    Right. While I’ve never heard about Sharapova saying stuff about Serena, I can believe she has. So if that’s the case, I love the tap even more.

    I’m team no one or perhaps team “get the fuck off my screen both of you.”

    Why? Not to be snarky but what about it makes you uncomfortable about the notion?

    This is such a BS thing to say (her comment, not yours). You can say what the future holds because YOU make your own decisions. It’s easy. If someone asks you, “hey, think you’ll ever try crack?” You can empathically say HELL NO because you control that and you don’t have the desire to do it. This is true of all