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    Thank you. I read that gossip like, “shit looked awful in commercials.”

    My mom went away for a funeral when I was about 10. Me and my sister had extremely long hair back then and he wasn’t going to do it daily during that week she was away. So, on Sat he washed our hair, deep conditioned it and put our hair in singles, complete with beads on the end. It was a two day job. All day for my

    This has been my experience since I started working, save for two places that wanted me to report to them often and sit in the office to shoot the shit. I don’t do well with micro managing and I feel like Americans in general have this attitude that someone HAS to oversee and bare down on others to get stuff done.

    I really wish they would fire her from the Red Carpet hosting duties as well. She is not good. Both her and Maria Menuous (sp) are painful to watch.

    Not alone. Tilted uterus and a few other things that make my vagina...interesting. Lol. I can touch my cervix but I have to work to do so.

    I cannot touch mine unless I try real hard. However, I have a weird vagina so...

    William H Macy and Felicity Huffman. Will and Jada.

    True story. I was once arrested for something that I did not do. (everyone says that but I mean it. Someone stole my identity and went on a cross country tour basically passing bad checks in my name. I went to open a bank account in my new city and bam...my SSN was flagged for that fuckery that bitch did.) Because I

    Thank you. I do not get how in the world one polices blackness as a way to counteract intraracial strife. I get that people want to see dark skinned women represented more. However, making that the basis of criticizing this particular spread is ridiculous. There are three black women from varying parts of the globe

    I’m not saying her tweets were helpful. I understand how angry she might have been to be called that though. Not how I would have handled it but I know I damn sure wouldn’t have been “nice” about addressing United either. Stern. Forward. Direct. Upset. Those are words I would use. But not “nice.”

    Do y’all remember when Lisa Ling was on The View? She saw the trainwreck that it was and got the entire fuck out of there. Good on her. It’s a nightmare show not but yet and still it’s on the air...somehow.

    Fuck that. If I had been called a nigger on a plane, I’m not going to be “nice” about tweeting the company. I get someone runs the account who has nothing to do incident but unless you’ve been verbally assaulted like that, it’s hard to imagine being restrained when addressing it.

    That whole Murder Inc. Crew was dumb as hell. They could have and should have branched out when they had the chance but most of them keep taking advice from Irv Gotti. He had no management experience and it showed.

    I don’t love the bullying that sometimes happens with some celebs (i.e. Ashton Kutcher, Adam Levine, etc) on this site. Definitely agree there. Admittedly I don’t like Rita Ora...mostly because I don’t know her music, never heard anything she’s ever done and I don’t care to. That’s on me though. I think the biggest

    You basically just typed up what I wanted to convey. Thank you!

    I like Spin classes and I’d totally fucking go if he taught it. He needs to do this to revive his career and I’d support. Lol.

    Honestly though, just from what you wrote (and I agree with it al) about K#1, she has her own issues that she never EVER addresses in a real way. She seems to have been so focused on him getting well and whatnot that she misses that SHE HAS ISSUES. Her family, especially Khloe, has called her to the carpet about not

    She’s pretty cold to everyone and not just Scott though. So I don’t think it’s a thing where she lets loose when the cameras are off. As much as their life is staged, her emotionally distant stance seems to be her honest-to-goodness personality.

    Accurate as hell. They are both bad to and for each other.

    I agree. It’s just obvious that carrying that weight is still hindering her and will continue until she figures out how to let that go.