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    I have said this for years. Would watch!

    For some reason, I highly doubt they are dating. Maybe it’s because I’ve never seen her make too many ridiculous decisions (and she dated Derek Jeter for quite some time so she seems rational in her dating choices). I hope they are working together or she somehow knows him another way and it’s no romantic involvement

    The only thing I’ve seen him in as a lead was Bourne Supremacy and I hated it. He was super boring. However, I hear he’s in the Hurt Locker and I’ve never seen it. I usually stay away from military centered movies so that’s why I am unfamiliar with his best work.

    American Hustle? See...another film he was in and I saw and I STILL had no clue.

    See, and I appreciate when people do character actor really well. Phillip Seymore Hoffman seemed to get in where he fit in for that reason. He was a GREAT actor, IMO, and he seems to gain a following through solid roles that showed his range. I’m not saying Renner is our next Seymore Hoffman, but maybe that’s the

    Maybe that’s the issue. I don’t like him as an action star. I’ve never seen the Hurt Locker or the Avengers, truthfully, but what I have seen of him in the action based Bourne series, he lacked a LOT.

    Ah...I guess I didn’t remember him because his hair was blonde in that movie. He was good in that one. He seems to be a good secondary person movies, but as a lead? His agents need to knock it off. Lol.

    Apparently Renner was in The Hurt Locker (never seen it), the Avengers (never seen it) and The Town. I’ve seen The Town but for the life of me I cannot remember which character he was. My thing with his career is that he’s not a leading man...at all. But his people keep trying to force that hand and I just wish they

    LOL, This made me crack up because I totally get it. He really is. Lol.

    Jeremy? Is that you?

    Which character was he? I don’t remember him in it at all.

    OMG. Super funny and I need to see the video of this now. This is shade. She might not have meant it that way, but dammit...it is. She knows good and damn well that those three things do NOT describe Tyga (and barely describe CB) and that’s why she laughed. Her subconscious could not let her actually get away with NOT

    He’s definitely not leading man material. And there’s nothing wrong with that. His agent just needs to get him kick ass roles as one of a cast instead of a lead. Cuz, from what I gather, we don’t wanna see that shit.

    But...Shia LeBouf is still around and Renner is older than him. Lol.

    What actually happened with that? I didn’t see the awards show (also...just occurred to me that I can just click the link above...)

    Renner was in the Bourne series reboot a few years back and was exceptionally underwhelming. I had never heard of him before then and wondered HOW he got that role. Also, I could not tell you another movie he’s been in before or since that one. Yet somehow he’s still around. Marginally, but still...

    Jeremy Renner is to acting as Rita Ora is to singing. You know they both do it and their agents are pulling overtime to make them a “thing” (respectively) but the public just doesn’t want it. At all.

    I don’t think abstinence-only programs are BS. But, I do think comprehensive sex education is helpful to prevent unplanned pregnancy and STD. And, people can have as much sex as they want or don’t want. My issue is this...be realistic about what you’re doing, maintain your agency and don’t let religion dictate how you

    Yeah, no. that’s not how it works. The way it manifest in one person is different than the way it manifests in another. So because the commenter has empathy and this person did not, it doesn’t mean that they have two different disorders.

    I would have murdered someone on the spot for that. There is NO WAY I’d still be friends with that person after the fact. Wow...