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    I’ve only had two jobs where I was required to do a drug test and one of them was the most low end job imaginable while in college. Since graduating and getting “real jobs” I’ve only been tested once and it was because I was working with kids. Otherwise, I haven’t had to deal with it. I work in marketing.

    I’m glad your family was supportive and they took action. Fuck those police (because, really?) and I hope you have healed well (and the others he hurt) and continue to enjoy the good things in life.

    You forgot the part about your parents beating the living shit out of him and holding him down to allow you the therapeutic privilege of spitting in his face.*

    He doesn’t want to be married... to her. Trust. When he finds someone he’s into seriously, he would certainly get married. Guys say that all the time when what they really mean is, “I don’t want to marry YOU.”

    Average in terms of looks and demeanor. He embodies the everyday corporate guy in DC or NYC who works a good job, his the bars, let’s his money or position talk for him to string along women wherever he can. I’m not dogging his accomplishments. Just saying he’s doing what most guys in his position do at one time or

    This exchange is complete. Please collect $200 :D

    I’m 35 and I concur. I can pull 21 year olds as easily as I can 45 year olds. Rock that shit!

    It sounds uninteresting because of the people involved. I don’t know why but I really cannot fucking stand Kaling (I do know why actually, she seems racist and like countless minorities who you KNOW would turn themselves white in a heartbeat if they ever feasibly could). Novak is the average white man in the U.S.

    I refuse to believe this man has a doctorate. Lol. REFUSE!

    From my own observation I can speak to a few of these things.

    Excellent example. Seriously. It’s fucking perfect and very little known.

    As a black woman I have not had that experience. But...I’m a women studies major from a democratic household where my mother worked and had plenty to say and, more importantly, SAID IT, backlash be damned. My dad may not have liked a lot of it (I mean, they are divorced now) but that’s how it was. So my upbringing was

    I would generally say he’s a risk to students and he’s probably broken some law based on the “contributing to a delinquency of a minor” thing. I’m sure he’s probably broken several other little known laws. But my answer is...IDK. Lol

    I was confused at the “prom” title but lots of school do a spring dance/formal kind of thing for 8th graders. So that’s not entirely crazy (the dance, not him trying to crash the pictures).

    I know teacher’s salaries aren’t shit these days but come on? Most anyone can make that bail.

    You would think that and it’s a logical conclusion. However, while there is a deep, systemic hatred of women and especially minority women, there is more of a need to control their access to build a decent quality of life than to promote population control via abortion. Actually preventing or deconstructing any system

    She is. And when she rocks the curly ‘fro, she looks even better.

    I agree. I wasn’t saying it would have been the best/right/classiest thing to do, but I definitely felt like it would have been understandable given their treatment of her. She handled herself with more grace than I could ever imagine in that situation and for that she should be very much commended.

    For me, Old Navy for jeans is my arch nemesis. I’m not big and I’m on the taller side of average, but for the life of me their jeans fit so freaking awkward. If I get the size I normally wear, there’s an issue with fit at the waist (that stupid gap in the back area) and if I go down a size, the waist fits but the legs

    Shade level = masterful