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    These are the same people who grow up and utter the “...but I’m not racist” trope when confronted with their segregated mindset. So...at least we know where they are coming from (not geographically but mentality-wise).

    100% to all of this. There are nuanced reasons why people do a lot of things, and DV certainly is among them. That said, I don’t expect a man who’s made a living doing party songs to actually say much about the deeper community, income, generational and social issues that occur in DV situations.

    He might relate because he’s a douche nozzle as well. *shrugs.

    I’m not from street culture but I know it (well) and let me tell you...there aren’t too many men who are cool with another man hitting a woman or his kids. People will let a lot of questionable shit slide in “street culture” but contrary to what rap says, men are not revered in the streets if their targets are women

    Honestly, I agree with KT. If he doesn’t run out of money, he might energize people in the same way Obama did to get to the polls. Also, he already knows the attacks will be primarily “socialist” name calling so if he can address that in a clever way, he could overcome it. As of now, I don’t know what else Reps could

    TODAY! Sorry, to shout, but I just get so annoyed with the lack of them in this country. Hands on is how some people learn and I really, really wish this aspect of the workforce would return.

    Oh, I agree. She has conducted herself with more class than most of those involved with this story, especially the school officials (and the accused, obvs).

    “awkward limb dancing” would be a great band name. And, it’s a perfect descriptor for how a lot of white women dance. Lol. It is never NOT funny. Never.

    I’m not but I am weirdly proud of her for commitment to the protest. The only thing that would have made this better is if she had spit on the Columbia president as she got her degree. I know that’s “distasteful” but not as much his shotty effort in handling this case. I get he’s not a DA or in law enforcement, but it

    I knew a 40-something EDM sound engineer. He wasn’t as bad as the DJs with the god-complex, but he was pretty damn close. Still, not a horrible dude and he was pretty entertaining (albeit, unintentionally). His gig yearly was to hit Ibiza for the “scene” and that’s when he made the bulk of his money. He also

    I agree. And, I find that anyone who has ever asked me my number has been a douche-nozzle. So if that comes up at any point, I know that it’s a wrap. I actually had one guy I dated for a time (3 months tops) ask me to take an HIV test because my number was “too high.” You would have thought I told him I slept with all

    I get it. I think she was the one who was super close to him and they already lost their bio dad earlier. So, as un-PC as it might be, she’s grieving for that loss. Plus, I honestly think she may not have been Rob Sr.’s kid (and that has come up before on the show) and her recent dating struggles might just have her

    Thank you for sharing that. It’s one thing to be on the outside looking in regarding this type of thing, but when you experience it, there is a lot more that you feel and not all of it is acceptance and unconditional love initially, I can imagine. And I believe that’s okay. Yes, it’s their truth and they should live

    I do not know how or why I have heard this, but I have heard the same.

    Yep. There are “real” singers who do most of her backup but also do the overlays for tracks for her (and other artists) songs. If you’ve ever listened to her songs, you’ll notice that her “voice” sounds one way in her debut song/album (If you have my love) and completely different in her later “hits” like “waiting for

    I...don’t. Sounds painful and scary (have you seen what moths actually look like in the face?) Lol

    I have never in my entire 35 years seen ANYONE wash a goddamn bed pillow. Throw pillow, yes. But the ones they sleep with? Negative. But...this makes so much sense I’m pissed I have NEVER thought to do it.

    But, for real though...

    I’m over here CRYING at this. Like, seriously????? LMAO. WTF? Who says this type of shit to anyone on social media openly but especially the president?

    Anyone else read the title as “coochie munching moths?” No???? Cuz I did and was super confused for like 15 full seconds before I looked again and realized what it said.