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    So did I. Lol.

    Soooo basically, rape and sexual misconduct is a just another part of service? It’s the duty of these men because they were just doing what comes naturally in their line of work? That is some legal-ese fuckery of epic proportions at work right there.

    Honestly, they’d be hard pressed to actually FIND those records. The government is the latest fucking adopter of technology in the land and that especially includes the military. I highly doubt they even still have those records and if so, good luck tracking them down. Not that you should have lied. That’s not what

    I think the key is the barracks portion of your statement. Most of the women I’ve known who were enlisted were either married to other servicemen living on-post (or on “economy” which is just a regular apt off base) OR they came in after college and didn’t have that barracks experience.

    My dad was in a branch of the military and he was ADAMANT about me and my sister never ever joining. He always said it was no place for a woman and for the longest time I thought he was just being an ass about women’s roles in the military. But, when I was a teen I had a friend who was thinking about joining the

    Maybe she or he has a health issue they are quietly tackling. Maybe they are going through fertility treatments and aren’t ready to come forward with that news. Maybe one of them is infertile so they are working though alternative ways to have the family they envision. There are a lot of reasons they might not be “on

    It’s all good. Him and Kanye have that same thing going on with their cheeks. I know kanye’s is the result of the accident he went through about a decade ago.

    1. I’m a girl. 2. I actually did follow him on IG (no shame), he’s the one who cooks in their marriage, he does seem to love food and IG the hell out of it. That said, he has chipmunk cheeks and always looks like he’s in the middle of storing food in them, burritos included. (I have the same issue)

    I just going to say the same thing. Just sell weed.

    I would totally not watch that but it seems like it wouldn’t be the worst reality show in TV so I could see why others would watch it. Also, it looks like he eats a lot of burritos as well.

    Anal tests. If they don’t flinch, they’re “naughty.” lol

    I didn’t even mention it cuz I thought she actually said that. Lol

    I feel like they should require a similar test for men...except anally. You know, to check how “naughty” THEY truly are. *rolls eyes

    I don’t get WHY they are in skirts. You cannot actually perform any infantry duties in a skirt. I get that there are times when the uniform in the US military for women requires a skirt (usually for inspection...of a different kind, not this BS), but given the absurdity of the practices outlined in this article, I

    See, I don’t follow her stupidity closely so I was unaware that she said such awful things. I just looked up that animal comment. I knew she was not smart, but damn.

    I agree. My family dynamic is such that we have kids young (a lot of my family members had kids by 18) so grandparents are still young as well. I don’t have kids (outlier at 35 here) but because everyone has their kids young, it’s kind of assumed that family helps for the first few years. Thankfully, my cousins and

    See, this is another thing as well. I had both parents but had it have just been my mother, me and my sister would have been fucked. She ended up being diagnosed with a mental disorder in her early 40s. While she has gone on to regulate it with meds, my dad was a buffer for a lot of her unstable behavior (which is a

    Okay, I get it and I can imagine why you’d feel that way.

    I don’t know y’all. I can’t speak for anyone else but I really cannot imagine intentionally having kids and raising them on my own. I get it happens for all sorts of reasons. People leave, die, situations change, etc. But, I know my limitations and raising kids alone is one them. I’m not emotionally nurturing by

    Hmmm...I’m wondering if it’s more about family structure than just her choice though. I’m not doubting your sentiments at all. I just read that “orphan with no immediate family) and that got me wondering. My extended family is super close and I have a cousin who has 4 kids as a single mom (until recently, she’s now