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    Putting together a website this weekend to kickoff my freelance copywriting side business. Eventually I want to do this and only this full-time. I cannot wait for the day that I no longer have to go into work and am just taking projects I want, making my own schedule and making the type of money I know I’m capable of

    I’m sorry you’re having a rough go of it. Hugs to you and know that it will get better.

    I think the emergency fund thing is an awesome idea. That’s a great way to contribute while still sticking to what you all have agreed upon. I’m sure he will appreciate not having to come out of pocket for unexpected car expenses or vacation expenses either.

    OMG, Pinterest is great for that whole fantasy thing. Plus they have really good links to DIY and bargain furniture projects as well. Good luck and congrats on your degree!

    Right. And if I understand the OP correctly, they’re saying that his/her employer can try to find their browsing history on their personal (non company used) computer? Wouldn’t there have to be some next level situation for that to even be a possibility? I’m just trying to understand why the OP would be concerned

    Y’all...my ex contacted me this week and it has pissed me off something awful. He was abusive emotionally and I left before it became physical. I’m glad I got away. After I left, I had blocked all methods of contact from him because I did not want to play that hoover game he’s so good at. However he found a loophole

    I know people who train and they put that type time in the gym. However, they are into fitness competitions and train to do shows. Once they are in their “off” season, they still work out but ease back on the time/intensity. I don’t know what type of workout this man could possibly be doing for that long on a daily

    My biggest take away from this is that this guy’s diet has to be shitty as hell because he certainly doesn’t LOOK like he works out 3 hours A DAY EVERYDAY. Lol.

    Love that gif. And thanks!

    My older sister is also my cousin. She’s my cousin on my mom’s side (we have different mothers) and my sister from my dad.

    Are you my mom perhaps? Cuz that’s some next level martyr shit right there. I do get what you mean. I do. It’s hard to be a single parent and provide in all the ways kids need it. But there is a difference between being drained and trying to actively balance everything that needs done and take care of your mental

    This is the first year in maybe 10 years that I’ve had a decent relationship with my mother. After my horrible breakup and some analysis, I realized that I would never be a peace with anyone that gets close to me unless I either cut her off completely or said every-fucking-thing I needed to in order to let her know

    I mean...if she was my girlfriend I’d be having all the sex too. I get it Miguel...I do.

    We are ><

    If you’re not attracted to dadbod dudes, though, the sex will be awful so...who cares about the “soft flesh pushing against your pubic bone in a pleasing way.”

    I laughed all the way through this comment. Lol.

    I’m late to the party, but eff it. I DO NOT WANT the dude with the “dadbod” at all. Like, not even a little. If my 35 year old ass is happily in the gym maintaining my physique, you better fucking be as well. Do you have to have washboard abs? No. But, do you have to have a toned and muscled physique? Damn straight.

    Not me. Wear WTF you want (you= women in general). If you like it, I love it for you. Period. The end.

    I JUST posted the same thing. Like, if you’re gonna do it, introduce it early.

    Maybe it’s just me, but if this is indeed satire, then the author took entirely too long to make that point known. I read through the first 1/3 of the piece and gave up because it really did read as “I HATE MAXI DRESSES, UGH.” Had she have gotten to it earlier, I’m doubtful folks would have reacted the they way they