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    Most people look fine in them, actually. I look fucking marvelous in maxi dresses and you can’t tell me any different. I want to post a pic for evidence but won’t. Suffice to say, I will always love them, especially the well made ones, and they are a lifesaver in the FL heat.

    It’s only possible if both parties know about it and agree to have a profile. Otherwise, nope.

    See I don’t know if we’ve been pushed out as much as the game has changed. EVERYONE now wants to be Ri or Bey. Seems like either the media frames newcomers that way or the aspiration of new artists are to take down the top. That was Keri’s downfall. She could have filled the void of classy women, just doing their

    Not necessarily true. I’m black, about the same complexion as Nicki Minaj and I’ve gotten laser. It works but there’s a certain type of laser that needs to be used. Many offices do have it, you just have to specify before you make the appointment.

    All of this is gospel. Her team is lazy as f*ck.

    Right. I don’t get why she’s not still making music with Missy or an up and coming Missy-lite. She’s not bad but she suffers from what a lot of r&b singers suffer from...and that’s lack of direction. Ri came out and said “eff it...I’m the bad girl y’all want,” and she owns it. Bey is Bey. And then...crickets. Kelly

    I would love to see the marketing demographics for any of those sites.

    I had a cry yesterday for...reasons, and it was helpful. I have this thing where I feel like I always have to ACT on whatever emotion is happening in the moment instead of letting it pass. If you have that as well, just tell yourself to wait it out for a few moments (or hours or days, whatever) because the feelings

    It’s actually worse if a stranger asks because really...the backstory is probably long and you don’t have the time to get into it like that and they REALLY don’t want to hear it anyway.


    I so agree. It’s not ideal and it’s hard to break from if you’re like me, and really crave adrenaline. I realize that’s my relationship killer flaw and I’m working (slowly but surely) to overcome that.

    Whoever starred my comments about my past relationship, causing me to re-read what I (and others who’ve dealt with abusive relationships) wrote...thank you!

    Listen...I appreciate this stance because I see it a lot and am having a FB convo with a girl about Bey’s dress and how she’s “a mom now” and trying to get my stupid ass friend to see that NO ONE SAYS THAT SHIT ABOUT FATHERS and she still doesn’t get it.

    This is giving me so much joy right now. Lol

    I have experienced intense, everything-the-movies-tell-you-will-happen, all encompassing, I.Cannot.Live.Without.YOU love. And that shit is exhilarating...and draining as fuck. Because if it does work, coming down from that high that you both experienced leaves you depressed and questioning the “after” phase of the

    Yeah, my sister actually works in a water treatment plant and it’s a pretty open area that most folks work, even when they do their overnights. That’s immediately what I thought of when I read this.

    You know...I’m pretty open minded, but I’m gonna go with a hard pass on the porn at work. I don’t see how that doesn't make someone uncomfortable.

    Lol. I only get chicken.

    IG = Instagram

    You are very right about Bey’s look. Can’t post it but yeah... See IG for evidence