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    Dame Dash is trash. Yes that rhymes, but in all seriousness this man has to be the pettiest person alive. He keeps suing his ex over seeing his kids (which, if she’s violating court orders and such, I could understand). However, a judge recently granted her (Rachel Roy) a restraining order against him and he’s ONLY

    Like...I get wanting some help. But lifting whole passages that don’t have shit to do with your actual spouse seems more than a little odd. People have others write their eulogies or assist with writing one for their deceased family members all the time. Not odd. Googling one and passing whole chunks of it off

    In what world is a beard the only culturally accepted form of natural hair? I know the waxing/laser movement is in full swing, but not to that degree. (Unless I’m missing something)

    It’s not vegetarian, although you can make it that way.

    I don’t eat Subway so...

    Helicopter? I would charter the shit out of one to avoid NYC traffic.

    Agree. Most restaurants have the capacity to be “healthy” or at the very least, not entirely unhealthy.

    I moved from beautiful San Diego to the Miami area. People in FL look at me crazy when I tell them this. However, people who are from Cali TOTALLY get why I made the move. I’m from the Midwest (and the winters are that bullshit...which is why I jumped ship after college) and I’ve lived pretty much every region in the

    Haha! I was awaiting that turn of events, but it hasn’t started yet. I get that everyone has their own preferences. I really do. But, beard hate is just...yeah, don’t get it. That low stuble beard is the one I’m most fond of. The father-time varieties are not my shit, though. Lol

    Yes to all of this. Just...yes!

    Beard lovers unite! lol

    Haha. Too bad what the people want is not what the people get with the Republican party. (or shit...with any party, but especially the Reps party).

    I would love to see the campaign ads that get into her “leadership” qualities on air. Lol. Thankfully, that will never happen because she will not go further than the buzz of her announcement.

    I’m with you until the cumin. But, everything else is fire. Exactly how I make mine and I agree that Chipotle’s gauc is just OK.

    Yeah. I think I just took issue with the whole “beards are doo doo filled on merit of them being a beard,” type language. Lol, I’m fierce with my beard love.

    Girl I got fired from my first job after a really ridiculous mistake. However, I made it. I was able to get another job and continue to build my career. Maybe not the best example, but I just want to say that no matter what the outcome, you’ll be able to look back at some point and realize that grew stronger through

    Giraffe. They are family oriented and peaceful.

    I’m watching Army Wives on Netflix and really feeling like I need to take a pause for a cry break. Lifetime really made this shit as sappy as possible and my dad was Army so I’m very in my *feels right now.

    Eh, I think he should be confident and project that, especially if that’s his personality in everyday life. I do agree about the political descriptors being a bit much though.

    I get that germs are sneaky and can get up on people in the most unsuspecting ways. However, unless someone is just not washing their hands (which is bad hygiene all around) I don’t think having a beard is the precursor to having a doo doo face on its own like the article is claiming. lol