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    Some do, some don’t. Thing it doesn’t always work that way. I’ve known folks who are employed by the police department to do psychological assessments and to make recommendations. However, it’s kind of an unspoken rule that what they recommend should be aligned with whatever policy/expectations are present in the

    He’s from my hometown!

    That sex tape made me sad for all the great sex she could have been having if not for Ray J. However I think she’s probably boring to the tee so, never mind.

    If it was Noted fashion photographer Nigel Barker, I’m jealous.

    I totally would have as well. If Mila Kunis offer the ass, you are obligated to oblige :)

    I heard someone on Humans of New York’s FB page explain it perfectly. (seriously, if you have not signed up for that page, do it now. It’s awesome) But he said it’s the phenomena of prolonged adolescence. Many people do this thing where they think the pinnacle of their lives begins and ends at adolescence. So they

    She is honestly the embarrassing mom who just won’t fucking quit. You know the type. The ones who compete with their daughter on looks and outfits. The ones who can’t let their “glory years” go. The ones who date at least 15 years down to prove how hot they still are. Madonna has built a very respectable career that

    hahahaha!!!!!! Legit laughing.

    I LOVE beards so...yes please. lol

    It is not the business. I exchanged numbers with a guy online and we texted for a long time before I finally was like “wtf” and called him. The voice on this buff black dude sounded like Ross from the Tonight Show and the E! Red Carpet specials. NO SHIT. I was like “nope.” lol. I instantly got why he didn’t call that

    His voice isn’t the stuff of sexy dreams. In my fantasy, Victoria just barks orders at him anyway while he remains silent. #hot Lol

    I’d be down to hook up with both Victoria and David Beckham...at the same time.

    I know plenty of women who have fucked Luda and T.I. (honestly, these two dudes get around) and they all say they are great in bed. Like...a least 4 women for each dude. For some reason, I believe Luda is the shit in bed but not so much T.I. Mostly because the women I know who reported on him said he was only good

    I have a guy cousin that I overshare with. I call it being open. It’s probably inappropriate but that’s kind of how we are as a family so...I guess. Lol. It’s not super graphic or anything but he definitely knows stuff about guys I dated that some girlfriends of mine don’t know and vice versa.

    I haven’t gone into detail with my sisters because they are super vanilla in the sex department but I absolutely would tell them if I slept with a celeb. Especially if he was hot!

    Lol, if I were a stay at home mom, I’d definitely watch this. Preferably with wine. Lol

    I'm a few months into a new relationship and we both have talked about previous situations and ideal commitment standards. Those conversations have included information about past swinging experiences and other "open" relationship type stuff. How something like sexuality doesn't come up at all is extremely odd to me

    Mine was Friday. Happy belated!

    Agreed. I think the worst thing is the that even though he's estranged as a result of his actions, I highly doubt he's apologized sincerely to any of them. He may have and they could have all told him to go to hell. But, I just...I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't. Either way, their lives have gone on and they are

    The next time your co-worker makes a small mistake or bad decision, punch that bitch square in her face. When she asks why, tell her that she deserved it for (insert small mistake/bad decision) here. If she protests, tell her that you’re just using her batshit logic.