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    I’m black. When I have thought of calling the cops for any reason (which has only happened like twice in my life) here’s what I contemplate:

    It also needs to be administered by THIRD party psychologists, not those employed directly by the station or within the department.

    I cannot stop laughing at this gif. LOL. I know the reason you posted but damn near anything from The Dave Chappelle Show keeps me cracking up.

    Man, their (Solange and Bey's) father always seemed like such an asshole when it came to women. He just had this vibe about him that was just...no. I can't explain it other than he reminded me of my dad and uncles (who were/are womanizers). It was very unsurprising when it came out that he not only was cheating but

    All of this. All. Of. It!

    I see what you’re saying but that’s a child’s way of answering a complex question in the simplest terms that they can. You’re right to be aware, but I doubt that was coming from a place of superiority but more so from a place of familiarity than anything else.

    I believe she is vegan. On her reality show she talked about about at least vegetarian at that time and was transitioning that way. Maybe she went back but I think that’s a big part of her cooking.

    Apparently a lot of people hate Daya, but I actually like her storyline. I know everyone has a thing for crazy eyes, but I really don’t like her character. Like...at all. But, it’s not horrible because there are enough scenes that aren’t just about her alone that she’s bearable.

    I have a timeline. A few exchanges on the site, if all seems well, exchanges numbers for a PHONE CALL, talk a few times and arrange a date. In that order. I had one dude who wanted to text all the time. It went on for like almost three months. I finally just stopped talking to him. Like, I get everyone is busy and has

    Right, I’m like, “in what world can you causally date SIX people and have the nerve to complain about NONE of them breaking out of that “chill” zone?” Unless they are all idiots, I’m sure they realize the person isn’t just chilling with them, which makes the complainer’s wishes to get serious much easier to tune out.


    Maybe it doesn’t do much good. However, I definitely an over it and this was one of the last frontiers where the K’s weren’t too much in the news. Now? It’s daily and multiple times a day at that. I feel like the mom has them on payroll or something. Geez.

    Real shit. I know that by even leaving this comment I’m contributing to the K madness. Because you record a click as a marketing metric that tells Jez powers that be, that these stories drive traffic. And maybe they do. But in the past three weeks, I swear to goodness EVERY GOTDAMN DAY y’all have a story on these

    I remember that as well. Not cool. I don’t think she was all to blame for their relationship demise. I just saw so much more open mean-ness from her to him and I think that’s where my perspective comes from. But he definitely was not blameless either.

    That makes sense as you have a personal experience with him to quantify that.

    Yeah. She seemed very scared of them, like they would over-love her or something. It was kinda sad to watch.

    To me, preferring certain features is fine. We all have those preferences. What’s racist is if you find those features in black women and STILL say you don’t find them attractive on the principle that they are black. Or you find those features on a darker skinned black woman and don’t find her attractive because of

    I have a nephew who is 11 and he looks older. I would kill someone for taking advantage of him like that. KILL. This shit infuriates me and the public’s nonchalance over it is maddening.

    Right. This is another part of the “patriarchy” that we need to address. Men can be and ARE victims of sexual abuse and sexual predators. And women can be and ARE predators in sexual abuse cases. We need to stop treating this as less than because of our socialized gender/culture norms.

    Agreed. Her tone when addressing him was another indicator that it wasn’t gonna work. There’s been this relationship study of what one thing destroys a relationship. And it’s not infidelity. Miscommunication. Anger. Nope. It’s contempt. When someone has contempt and expresses it on a routine basis toward their