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    That is gonna settle something awful in 10 years. I’m all for plastic surgery but that’s just bad.

    I like Love it or List it Too. I hate how unattractive the host David is from the original show so I can’t watch it. (shallow as hell, I know but still...he’s very unattractive to me).

    I like Love it or List it Too. I hate how unattractive the host David is from the original show so I can’t watch it. (shallow as hell, I know but still...he’s very unattractive to me).

    It really was crazy. Folks who attended were legit offended at the lyrics and I get it. But, that’s the crux of their act. The “eff the gov’t” message IS THEIR MESSAGE and they ride it hard. That did not change due to the members of the audience. It was glorious. Lol

    I have never seen anything like it, honestly. I’ve always been taught that if you see something, say something. Now, that doesn’t extend to strangers, obviously, but people do make it seem like saying “she look unhealthy” is akin to saying she’s a disgusting troll who should burn in the pits of hell.

    Back in Columbus, Oh around like 2000-ish, someone in the mayor’s office thought it would be a good idea to bring in the act Dead Prez for the mayor’s brunch/ball (or something otherwise honoring the office). I literally hollered when I read that on the program. They are as controversial as you can get.

    I was thinking "WTF are ordinary times?"

    I think I needed to clarify my post. I was not referring to strangers. I was referring to someone you may know. I would hope most people don't comment on random people's appearances and throw claims of ED out there.

    Yeah, I would never approach someone I didn't know with those thoughts or concerns. That's the type of shit you might wonder about briefly but then move on with your life.

    Can I offer this: If you see someone with what looks like a broken arm, you might tell them to get that checked out. That broken arm could have come by way of domestic violence, self harm, accident, etc. You don't know. But, all you see is the outcome and that definitely needs attention so you make the comment/remark.

    Okay, so let's discuss the magazine declining to profile her. This kind of touches on exactly what I wrote yesterday. On one hand, I applaud the magazine's refusal to profile her if they think it sends the wrong message about body image. On the other, would we all be outraged if they did the same thing to someone like

    Right. Why are folks all "his parents are the worst" when HE'S the person doing the damage? They could be legit lovely people and did all they could but still he has issues. It happens. Not all bad people have terrible parents, childhoods or experiences growing up. And vice versa. Some people do have all those

    Yes, this is the type of shit we do on a regular basis to prove how much racism still exists.

    You totally can. I am just a bit grouchy about non-news shit being reported on in lieu of real news. And I think I'm grouchy about the fact that NPR was where I first heard this story. I used to really dig them but they are horrible as of late (and actually have been for a while now). Now I have to find another place

    I can objectively see how that would have helped. Still...don't get why it's national news. But again, I don't get why a LOT of seemingly stupid things are national news and cause for outrage. I kind of see it as a poor attempt by the media to report on "sensational" items instead of actually doing some real

    You don't have to think he's funny and I do think a lot of it is just run of the mill low hanging fruit jokes. I just don't get the "outrage.com" over it.

    Maybe I have a doomed sense of humor, but I don't find it offensive. Some of the tweets are funny. Some are not. I highly doubt dude is just some raging racist, homophobic or woman hating dude based on those tweets. He's a comedian.

    MREs are a national treasure. I've had them before. They are gross yet not gross all at the same time.

    This is a real concern for me and it’s kind of why I’m a bit rabid when a actress or other public female figures appears to have what (to me) look like obvious signs of eating disorders...or at the very least an unhealthy relationship with food. It’s like an open secret but the masses are encouraged to aspire to that